Part 2||Traveling between universes

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So yeah i'm still scared 😭
- Sad part (your probably not gonna cry)

Btw sorry for not making another chapter for like 2 months i've honestly almost forgot about this book and yeah- so uhmmmmmmmmm enjoy? I guess

No ones POV
All the nations were yelling some bombarding Alfred because they found out he was dating someone and didn't say anything. (in my last chapter you'd know how they found out)

Until they got teleported into the place that they were last week. "Thank god i'm out of there and i don't have to deal with them again" alfred said sighing in relief. But when he looked around he realized that he was at the 'place again'

"Alright Lula what the fuck? i thought i wasn't ever gonna be here again." Alfred said death glaring her in front of him. "Okay so i reconsidered just doing this for that one day- I decided that every Friday your going to be here again." she said smiling brightly.

(That might be what i do from now on- since i go on wattpad more frequently i might be able to get a chapter out every like Friday but if not every 2 fridays)

"Whatever.. But anyways what are we doing this time?" He huffed. "So- wait first i need to get those four" after she said that Alfrer (Communist america) Amelia (alfred's genderbend) Tia (alfred's human friend) and Kiku (japan). "Okay so this time today you will go to a different universes to meet a different versions of Alfred! Doesn't that sound fun?" She said excitedly. "Nope." "I wanna sleep" "I'm hungry" "sure?" "sounds good" the five of them replied. "That's great that you guys are up for the challenge! So btw you can choose to go invisible whenever so just incase you want to not talk to anyone." Lula explained. "mkay." Amelia replied tiredly.

"Okay so the first universe you guys are going to is Dead america universe" Lula told them. "What?" but before alfred could ask any questions they got teleported.

Then Lula teleported somewhere leaving all of the nations in the room confused. Until Lula somehow put a TV in their room. "You guys are gonna watch them from off of here because why not?" She said then disappeared.


Sweet and totally not crazy Alfred's POV
When we got teleported i noticed that we were all semi-transparent so i assume we all are invisible. "Are we at the meeting room entrance?" Kiku asked. "I think we are." I replied. We entered the room and were greeted by yelling and chaos. "of course in the other universes the meetings are the same" Amelia said rolling her eyes. "Guys who is that in the middle sitting down hovering above the table?" Alfer asked us. I looked to notice a young boy who looked like how i looked in the past. "I'm gonna go ask how they died since they're probably me." I let out my wings and flew over to him siting in the air with the boy, becoming un-invisible i turned to him. He looked shocked and confused. "Can you see me?" he asked with little tears in his eyes. "yeah, yeah i can. May i ask you something?" I replied to him. "Of course but after that can i ask you some questions aswell?" "sure. So my question is how did you die?" "How did you know i'm dead and not just on some magic spell or something?" "That's a secret." "oh okay. You might want to get a little comfortable because it's gonna a little bit of a long story." "Alright hold on- Guys you come sit down too!" The other 4 of them went un invisible and sat down on the table with us.

(Btw for a explanation the nations in the dead america universe can't see them because they're invisible to them but not invisible to dead america, i hope it makes sense-)

Then he began explaining. "So i had many many sibling and a mother. don't ask about my father because i don't know anything about him or what- and life was amazing beautiful and just perfect. until one stormy night me and my younger brother Matthew (Canada) stayed up because we saw our mother and one of our sisters crying. When we asked our sister explained how that at some point in life some people just die from many different causes. She explained that if they ever disappeared to stay together and if one of us is gone then stay strong and happy for the family. We asked what was happening and mother explained how their time was over and they will be gone. But right when she got done talking they started to fade making me and my brother cry and yell for them to stay strong. But then in what felt like seconds they were gone. but not just them i mean all of our siblings. We were bawling our eyes out and holding onto eachother so we make sure neither of us disappear either. We cried that entire night and sleep the entire next day.

But when we woke up we knew we had to survive on our own, so we decided to practice the skills our siblings taught us. Those skills were like using a bow, climbing trees, and getting food. Our mother though, she taught us about powers that we somehow had. Now i learned almost all of the powers quickly and i almost have mastered them but Canada took awhile to learn them but he has mastered his water ice, and talking to animals powers.

And that's all about the powers stuff, but like i said we learned to hunt and one night we were hunting some deers until we heard loud roaring and thumps behind us. When we turned we were terrified because we've only heard of the creature but we have never see it in person. We were told it was called a Giant Lion Serpent, it was a mix of a Lion, Snake, and Dragon.

Normally they'd be the size of average one and a half story house but the one we saw was like the size of a 5 story building! We assumed it was a parent or a really old one, since the older the bigger. So when we heard it sniff around and spot us we ran and ran as fast as we possibly could. But i tripped over a fallen tree and it was gaining on me. Matthew ran back and helped me up and we continued running but i was a little slower since i had a large scar across my leg. But i was too slow because it caught up and grabbed me. I yelled for canada to keep going, i know he didn't want to but he did anyways. That's how i died. I now just follow my brother around hoping for one day to be seen by someone. ANYONE. but no, i am alone now."

He was crying his eyes out. All 5 of us gave him a hug. I turn to them "Can you guys leave us two alone for a moment?" i asked "okay" "alright" "whatever" and they left to go see what the nations from this universe were doing. (its lunch time for the nations in that universe)

No ones POV
Then after a couple minutes Alfred came out and went invisible. Same with the rest of them then they got teleported back to the room Lula was in.

"Was it fun?" She asked dancing around the room towards them. "I just can't believe what i would've become like if i didn't jump over that log.." Alfred said then one tear, two tears, then a whole river of tears came from his eyes. Everyone went up pulling him into a hug reassuring that he is still alive and okay.

Eventually he calmed down and asked "Are we leaving?" "Yup! i will see you guys maybe next Friday or that Friday after that!" Lula responded. "Alright then bye!" "cya i hope never" "i'm going to sleep" "i'm getting mcdonald's" "i'm gonna cry" they all said their goodbyes then teleported back to where they were before. (including the nations)

Idk why but i actually have more confidence then before 😭
And like i said i might be making a chapter each Friday so yah!

Word count: 1415

Anyways bye bye you little devils👋🏻

The end of chapter 2

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