6.) the big stall

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I spin Sasha around on my back and it isn't long before we tumble over. Since I'm standing in shallow water, I land hard onto the sand that hides beneath the dark water. My back side smashes Sasha into the ground and I can barely feel the sting of the sand. I'm positive she can't either. Sasha laughs from behind me, too drunk to care about getting the air knocked out of her. Connie finds a great sense of amusement from our fall and joins in on our laughter. He walks over to us, where we lay, not bothering to get up on our own just yet. He holds out his hand for me and I grab onto it. He pulls me up with ease. He pulls Sasha up right after me. She wobbles a bit.

"You guys are drunk." Connie states the obvious, shaking his head at us. Sasha and I turn to each other. We give each other our best sober face and shrug our shoulders.

"Yeah but we're not drunk enough." I tell him while pointing a finger at him. Sasha nods her head in agreement.

"That's exactly the spirit, (Y/N!)" Eren comes over with Mikasa holding his hand right behind him. Like us, they are both completely soaked from head to toe. Mikasa's black bangs are sticking to her forehead. I look down to their intertwined hands.

Who would have thought? That's like something out of a movie, the popular boy and the emo girl.

"We were just thinking about heading back up for our drinks and to warm up a little."

Despite only getting in a few minutes ago, there is a chill in the air. I didn't notice at first but goosebumps trail up my arms and legs. The warm wind now felt cool against my water droplet covered body.

"Sounds like a good idea!" Sasha shudders. She wraps her arms around herself as if she also just realized that it is starting to get a little cold.

"I'm down with that." I pipe up. I rub a hand across my arm, trying to smooth out the evidence of my coldness.

Back at the fire, Armin still hasn't returned and I assume Marco has already left for the evening. Jean sits in his dry bathing suit, phone still in hand. He hadn't bothered to come down to the water. He looks a lot warmer than the rest of us. I sit down in between Sasha and Connie. Sasha ruffles through her bag and hands me a towel. She hands one to Connie too. I wrap it around my wet body. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Jean must have tended to the fire while we were in the water. It shows no signs of dying. Back by the water, Reiner and Bertholdt are just getting out. They don't seem to be shaking like I am.

"What's up, Jean? Why didn't you come in?" Eren claps a wet hand into his back and sits beside him. Mikasa sits next to Eren. Jean slips his phone into his pocket. He shrugs his shoulders.

"Didn't feel like being cold."

"It's only cold when you get out of the water." says Eren. Jean shrugs again in response and leans back onto his hands.  "Hey, how many of those shots are left?"

I look into my bag. "Only two."

"I've got shooters!" Sasha claps her hands together and ruffles through her tote bag. My twisted tea stayed put in the sand while I was gone. It sits by my toes. I grab it and bring it to my lips. It's slightly warm.

Fucking Twisteds. Always warm no matter how cold they actually are.

Sasha holds up her hands. She shakes them around. She clutches onto multiple little bottles of alcohol. There are a few different options. "So who wants what?"

"I'll take the last two jell-o shots." I look up to see Jean, eyes focused on me. His eyes remind me of a brick wall. Solid and unchanging. No emotion. I nod at him, my words lost somewhere between my throat and my mouth. I toss him the last two. A red one and a yellow one. He catches them and immediately gets to work, unsticking them from the container.

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