7.) bottled up

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Eren and Mikasa come stumbling over, trying their best to remain upright. Their arms are thrown around each without any coordination, finger nails ever so slightly digging into each other. Their steps on the sand are quiet and their laughter is loud. Mikasa looks effortlessly beautiful. Her eyeliner is smudged and her bangs are messily pulled back. Sasha and I have a steady arm around each as if we are afraid the breeze will knock us over. Connie sits on the sand, still grumbling on about how long we were away on our bathroom break. Suddenly, Eren comes hurdling forward and crashes down onto Connie. Connie throws his arms in the air as Eren's laughter echoes through our secret beach. Us three girls begin giggling.

"Eren, you're wasted." Connie whines and shoves Eren off of him. Eren rolls onto the ground next to him.

"I'm not wasted, I'm just having fun." He groans. Eren tries to pull Mikasa down with him but she holds her ground, his hand right around her wrist. "Mik, come here." He begs, tugging on her arm.

"I think she should stay up there. I do not want to see you two guys fucking in the sand." Connie groans. Eren's reply is a fistful of sand to his face. Connie tries to spit it out of his mouth, hands clawing at his tongue. "Yuck, ugh!" He gags.

"We should get back to your house. We don't want to be too drunk on the walk back. By we, I mean you, Eren." Mikasa says and pulls Eren off the ground. With his backside to me, I can see all the sand clinging to his skin. It doesn't bother him. He might not even be aware of it. She drags him over to their side of the fire.

"Mmm, good idea." Sasha slurs and drops down on her knees to the sand. I watch her as she slowly tries to pick the towel we were sitting on. Connie's ass holds it in place. "Connie, get up." He obliges without a word.

"Hey, you still got my clothes?" He asks me.

"Yeah, they're in my bag still." I toss my backpack over to him. He pulls out his belongings and he throws me my shirt from earlier. I slip it over my head as he asks me another question.

"(Y/N), you brought weed and you didn't tell us?" He stands with my bowl in one hand and the baggie in the other. His eyes are the size of saucers, overflowing with excitement and he has no desire to contain it.

"Shit, I forgot." I admit, stretching my shirt down far enough to cover my bottom. Sasha perks back up from the ground, all of the towels now shoved into her backpack. Her tote bag still has some shooters left in it.

"We can smoke it at the house. Can't we, (y/n)?" She juts her bottom lip out.

"Sure, I brought it for you guys." Sasha squeals and runs over to Mikasa who's cleaning up both her and Eren's belongings. I watch as she tucks my bottle into her backpack.

"Sounds nice." Mikasa answers.

Reiner comes barreling over towards us with Bertholdt as his shadow. "Leaving?" He tilts his head to the side. I nod my head. "Alright. Bert and I are gonna uber home, I think." He looks over to Bertholdt who nods his head in response.

"Okay, well, it was nice meeting you." I mean this genuinely. To my surprise, Reiner crushes me into a hug. I feel little in his grasp. His muscular arms sweep me ever so slightly off the ground to the point where my body weight is resting on just the tip of my toes. He smells overbearingly like the boys locker room in highschool. I pat my hand on his back and he releases me.

"It was nice to meet you too. Hopefully we'll see you around more."

After goodbyes were exchanged, a realization hits me. "Hey, has anybody seen Armin?" I ask as my eyes try to scan the darkness.

Eren yawns, seeming to be bored of this question. He lazily points towards the trail we came out of and starts slurring. "He's probably on the phone with Annie. She's a bitch."

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