chapter 9

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LookEda, raine, darius and Lilith were out together, mainly because eda had been isolating herself for reasons she refused to make public.  Edas eyes we're dull, she was wearing baggy clothes and her hair was a little messy. Not in the hot way, but the sort of, it showed there was something wrong.  She was completely high, but she still had some self preservation.   They were at just walking  around, talking, but something they all noticed was women were whispering and pointing while men were snickering and pointing. "Darius, whats going on?"  Lilith asked in a whisper. "No idea.. I don't like how their staring at us" darius whispered back. "Not as us.. At edalyn.. Had she done anything reckless lately?" Lilith whispered again. "No.. She's barley been out.. " darius responded.  Eda was feeling self conscious, she didn't know what was going on, and with her mentor state, it was enough to make her cry.  Raine looked at eda, then asked. "Calamity.. Are you okay?.."  Eda gave a weak smile. "I'm fine, raine.. "  eda muttered, but at this point she'd gotten so bad, that even raine could tell she was lying.

Raine decided to pulled eda into a hug, When eda felt the physical contact it set her off. She quickly pushed them back, almost falling backwards.  Not only raine, but Lilith and darius.  "Edalyn-.. What's going on, your acting strange" Lilith asked. "N-nothing!!! Lilith I'm fine! Just back off!" Eda blurted out.   Lilith flinched a little, but her expression remained remorsful.  "Eda please calm down.. Is.. There something going on?" Lilith asked. Edas chest felt like it was closing as her eyes filled her eyes filled with tears. She refused to be vulnerable again, not after all the other times.  "I told you I'm fine.. " eda muttered, then just left and went home.  

On her way home she was approached by none other than Stephanie. "Still not down for the count you little slut?" She asked in a cocky tone.  Eda sighed, and kept her gaze on the street.  "I have something for you~" Stephenie sang. At this point eda couldn't take anymore. "WHAT!?.. WHAT DO YOU WANT!? YOIVE MADE MY LIFE HELL!!  WHAT ELSE COULD NYOUR HAVE POSSIBLY DONE!?"  Eda screamed, as tears streamed down her cheeks.  Stephanie smirked. "Oh, just a little something, don't you remember your little night with Jack. Eda didn't answer. " well I made these, just incase someone else might want a turn with your useless body" Stephanie said, while handing eda flyer.  Eda looked at it. And she was shocked, not even shocked but humiliated, mortified. No words were enough not explain how awful eda felt.

It had a picture of eda on the floor of her bed room, the night Jack raped her right before her left. Completely explained, covered in cum, and bleeding.   Above it it said.

The easiest girl to rape!
Under it, it has edas apartment building address, and the exact broom she was in., then edas phone number.  Eda stared at the sight then looked around. These flyers were everywhere.  On every store, car, wall, even just being blown around on the road.   Her tears got more constant.  Then she felt someone grabbbed her waist from behind. Eda flinched, then looked behind her to see Jack, smiling sadistically.  Eda literally screamed, and pushed him back, and fell to the ground.  

Stephanie and Jack, started laughing while eda was hyperventilating.  She was clenching her chest, as she cried. "Hey!!  Get away from her!!" A voice yelled.   Noa backhand slapped Stephanie across the face, making nher hit the ground.  Noa, picked up the flyer and looked at it, now also mortified.  Noa turned to eda, who was now gone. 

Eda soon kicked her door open, and fell to the ground startling her cat.  She was sobbing, almost suffocating in her own tears and pain.

Eda went to her bathroom, trying to clear her face.  She was still hyperventilating, sobbing uncontrollably. She looked at herself ninnthe mirror. All she could see was Jack using her, then herself on the floor. She let out a ear splitting scream of frustration, and punched her mirror. It broke, and her knuckles started bleeding. She laughed a little, then then took the hardest thing she could find at that moment sand smashed the mirror to peices. The glass shattered all over the place. Eda laughed again, seeing the blood drop from her hand. She went to her kitchen sand grabbed a knife.  Eda just started slicing her wrists, arms and stomach every which way.  So much she was bleeding rapidly.

She was still crying, sobbing uncontrollably.  Her..everything covered in blood.  "Make the pain go away, make the pain go away, make n the pain go away!!" Eda screamed.  She saw her bottle of pills and she grabbed them.  Luna walked over. "Person!! Person, stop! I command you to stop!" Luna said. Eda started downing pill after pill.    She started shaking but she still felt the misery and suffering. 

Meanwhile, Lilith, raine and darius were all worried about eda. They way she left was so suddenly.  Soon noa tapped Lilith on the shoulder, the flyers in hand. "Excuse me.. Is your name Lilith clawthorne?" They asked. "Uh... Yes.. I am, who are you?"  Lilith asked in a sort of suspicious tone. "My name is noa, I'm a friend of your sister eda.. Look.. Uhm.. Here" noa said, not really sure what to say, then handed Lilith the flyers. "Im.. Pretty sure who did this.. But I've been trying to collect all these before to many people see them"  noa explained. Lilith looked at the flyer, then her face looked mortified.   "Lilith what is it?"  Raine asked. Lilith welled upward she covered her mouth.   Darius and Raine looked over her shoulder sand they also shared the same mortification.

Raine nearly cried, while Darius got angry. "Who the fuck is sick enough in the head to do something like this!?" He asked.  Noa sighed. "Uhm.. Eda.. Mentioned someone named Stephanie, who's been.. Well, basically torturing her for a while now, so that might be your answer"   Raine, immediately knew they messed up."I'm going not check on eda.." they muttered, then left. 

In fact all of them went to check on eda.
When they got to her apartment door, they knocked like civilized people.  "Eda! Eda please open the door!"  Lilith called out. No answer, just scratching on the door.  "C-calamity please..we just want to talk to you.. Please.. For me?" Raine pleaded.  Still no answer.    Then the meows of Luna through the door. "Whats this girl doing?.. " darius asked. Noa, took a second to think, then gasped. "Break the door down"  he said. "What-" darius asked. "BREAK THE FUCKING DOOR DOWN!!"   Darius complied, then kicked the door down the sight was horrifying. 

Eda was on the ground, bleeding out and foaming from the mouth.  Lilith and Raine started crying, while noa pulled his phone our and called the police. "EDA!! " Lilith, Raine and Darius called out.    They circled around her, as Raine pulled eda on their lap.  "Eda wake up! Please.. Please.. Please.. Open your eyes" Lilith begged through tears. Edas eyes slowly fluttered open, and she smiled weakly. "Ah.. Don't.. D-dont look at me like that guys.. " she was able not get out, before wincing in pain. "Eda.. Please.. Please.. Just keep your eyes open.. We're gonna get you to a hospital!" Lilith pleaded. "Lily?.. Heh.. You k-kmow I can't stand.. A.. Hospital.. " eda raised, as she eyes started closing again.    "N-ni.. No no no, eda.. Calamity please.. Keep your eyes open for me.. Okay? Please.. " Raine pleaded.  Eda coughed, as the ambulance was heard from outside. "Raine.. Heh.. I've.. Always.. W-wanted you.. To hold me.. Like.. T-this.. " she muttered.

Her eyes closed, and she was transported to the hospital. 

. 25 cruel minutes later the doctor came out. "Excuse me.. Who's here for Ms edalyn clawthorne?"  The doctor asked. "We are! Please.. Tell me shes okay" Lilith pleaded.

"Actually.. "

Cliff hanger

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