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When he closed his eyes a tear fell down his cheek, the cold wind made his nose red and his lips quiver as he stood on the ledge of this bridge.

'the sunrise is the perfect time to do it.' Minho thought to himself.

He hung one foot over the ledge hoping the wind would take care of the rest, but he knew that wasn't going to happen.

He heard the leaves on the trees rustling all around him, some of them fell to the ground, the others were hanging on to their branch by a thread.

Minho felt relieved that the last thing he would see was an environment like this, that the last thing he would feel is the same wind that made these leaves move.

And then he jumped..


        15. years. later.

Jisung's P.O.V

"Felix, for the last time, I'm not going to that dumb party."

"Why not?" Felix asked with a playful smile. The classroom we were in was truly a highlight of a public school. The teachers desk was like an island that was far away from the students desk. There were halfway ripped off stickers that had 'motivational' quotes on them, the ground was filled with crumbs of food and paper, and even though the bell rang, the students stayed in the classroom to talk.

"Because parties are dumb. Must I say more?" I said sarcastically as I stuffed my textbooks in my backpack.

Felix sighed, but he still didn't lose that playful tone. "Yes, you need to say more, because how do
you not want to go to damion's house and have the time of your life?!"

I continued to stuff my textbooks in my backpack harshly as if I was talking through my actions. Also, the way Felix said damion's name made Damion sound like he was the president of the school, it made me sick.

"I'll have the time of my life when I'm in my room reading the book series I bought a week ago."

"Ugh!" Felix groaned, "you're so boring. How do you not want to party at the most popular guy's house?"

I rolled my eyes, "How do you want to go to a party at a dickheads house?"

"Damion isn't a dickhead, he's just... unaware of other people's feelings."

"Yeah." I stood up from my seat and slung my backpack strap over my shoulder and walked out. "A dickhead!" I shouted.

Felix sighs again as he grabs his backpack and runs to the hallway to catch you with me, he slung his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer as we walk side by side.

"Look, I know that times have been tough on you recently, you just moved to a whole new town in a whole new school that you have only been attending for a week. But as your new friend, I advise you to come to this party and meet new people."

I sigh as I look straight like I was actually debating about this. "Felix, I'm not the party type of person."

"What?" Felix chuckled. "Of course you are, everyone is a part of a party."

"If that's true then I'm the lonely kid who stands in the corner looking at the time so I know when the appropriate time is to leave."

Felix chuckled again, "ji, you truly are a buzz kill you know that?"

I smiled, "you still love me."

Felix shrugged, "doubtfully..yes, I do."

Before I could pout and asked what he meant, an announcement was heard over the speakers.

"Han-Jisung please come to the principal's office, Han-Jisung to the principal's office please."

I scrunched my eyes closed In embarrassment as I felt eyes on me.

'What did I do? Is it about my grades? I haven't checked them.'

"That sounds important.." Felix said like he knew I was somewhat in trouble.

"Felix, if I don't come back..please come to my funeral and put photos of squirrels on my casket."

"Sure thing..but why squirrels?"

"They're my spirit animals."

"Oh.." Felix said quietly, then he started to walk away but shouted, "I'll see you at the party, ji!"

I took a deep breath before making my way to the principal's office.

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