Chapter 4

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When Emma's eyes fluttered open, her face was only a few inches away from Regina's. The blonde immediately pulled back a bit, her breath hitching in her throat — but she was still close enough to feel the warmth radiating from the Mayor's body. Emma's gaze focused on the brunette's soft features, her beautiful face appearing calm and... 'gorgeous,' she thought. Slowly, the blonde brought her hand up to Regina's cheek, stroking a strand of hair behind her ear before letting her fingers run down her neck.

"She'd slap your hand away if she was awake."

Emma's eyes widened in shock as she turned around to find the Evil Queen comfortably seated on the armchair just a few meters away. "How long have you been there?!"

"I don't know... an hour, maybe? It started to get quite boring, so I'm glad you're awake now," the villain said with a slight shudder. "Even though I had to watch you being a creep."

"What?!" the blonde exclaimed, then remembering Regina was still sleeping, she lowered her voice. "I was not a creep. And you didn't answer my question."

"I wanted to get my blazer back," the Evil Queen smiled, and with a flick of her wrist, she had the blazer around her shoulders again.

"Really? You were too lazy to put that back on yourself?" Emma mumbled, skeptically raising her eyebrows.

"I like saving time."

The blonde sighed, running her hand through her face and stifling a yawn. "Now that we've got that sorted, would you mind poofing yourself away? I'm tired, and I've had an exhausting evening, as you may know."

The Evil Queen grinned, "Why? What happened?"

"A black-wearing psycho woman abducted me."

"Psycho?!" the brunette shrieked, a bit offended before shrugging, "You might be right, though."

Emma smiled amusedly before she couldn't suppress her upcoming yawn anymore. She pulled her soft blanket up, almost to her chin. Tired and realizing the Evil Queen hadn't thrown a fireball at her, she figured it would be okay to close her eyes for just a few seconds — not without grabbing Regina's hand under the blanket, though, just to be safe.

"Emma? Emma... Emma!"

The blonde slowly opened her eyes, finding herself looking directly into Regina's concerned gaze. "Regina! Regina, are—", she paused, realizing she was still holding the brunette's hand. "You're okay. I— I must have dozed off. I just wanted to close my eyes for a few seconds!"

"Well, it's 6 in the morning. Did you have a bad dream? Or why are you holding my hand?"

Emma blushed, hoping the brunette wouldn't notice — she did, though, and the amused smirk on Regina's face gave her away. "I, uhm— I woke up last night, and the Evil Queen was sitting in that chair."

With wide eyes, the Mayor turned her head to look over at the armchair. "What?!"

"Yes, and I wanted to close my eyes for only a few seconds because I was so tired, and I grabbed your hand so I'd know if she kidnapped you."

The Mayor sighed, slightly shaking her head as she lifted herself up from the mattress to sit straight. "What does she want, Emma? Why does she keep showing up without doing anything?"

"I don't know. But if, uhm—", the blonde's cheek flushed again. "If she mentions something next time... something like... like me being a creep and— and, uhm... t-touching you, then— then just know, I was not being a creep, okay? I just removed some hair strands from your face..."

Regina remained silent, her eyes fixed on Emma's now completely red face. It wasn't often that she heard the blonde stutter — that wasn't something that usually happened.

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