Chapter 25

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It had been several days since their intense encounter with Zelena, and life in Storybrooke had settled into an oddly tranquil state. The usual magical disturbances and threats seemed to have dissipated, leaving an eerie calm in their wake. Emma couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at this newfound quietness. It was as if Zelena was biding her time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike again.

The days had been filled with tireless efforts to reverse the aging spell that had befallen Neal. They had been working tirelessly, pouring over spell books and Regina had even consulted with magical experts in a desperate bid to find a solution. Yet, despite their best efforts, progress had been slow, and the weight of uncertainty hung heavily in the air.

Emma couldn't help but let out a long sigh as she sat on the couch in Regina's living room, her mind racing with all different kinds of worries.

Regina's living room.

Regina. Well, both Regina's.

The Evil Queen who wasn't really that evil anymore.

Emma sighed again.

Before her thoughts could spiral into the Regina/Evil Queen dilemma though, her son's frustrated groan pulled her back to reality.

"Ma, you're not paying attention," Henry complained, gesturing towards the video game they had been playing together. "We'll never complete this level if you keep zoning out."t."

Emma blinked, refocusing her attention on her son. "Sorry, kid," she said with a faint smile, pushing aside her swirling thoughts momentarily. "Let's give this level another shot, shall we?"

But he put down the controller and scrutinized his mother's face before asking, "Are you okay?"

"Sure. I'm great."

"Are you su-"

"What are you two doing inside?!" Regina's scolding voice interrupted them.

The blonde tore her gaze away from Henry and turned to see Regina standing in the doorway of the living room—along with the Evil Queen. Oh yeah, that was new too. The two still despised each other, but somehow their shared concern over Emma and the last encounter with Snow and David had allowed them to bond in an unexpected way? The blonde shook her head—no, that couldn't be it. Or could it?

"Great," Henry mumbled. "Now she's sighing again." He turned around to look at his mother. "Mom, you guys are making Ma sigh again."

Regina's expression flickered with confusion for a brief moment, her eyebrows knitting together before she crossed her arms and straightened her posture. "Well, good, because I told her to get you outside so you'll get some fresh air instead of-"

"What are they doing?" The Evil Queen interjected, her gaze fixated on the television screen. "Is there another realm behind that... thing?" She gestured toward the TV with a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

"It's a video game," Henry explained. "Wanna play with me since Ma isn't concentrated enough?"

"Hey!" The blonde interrupted, offended. "You think she can help you complete the level even though she thinks there is another realm behind the television?!"

The Evil Queen's grinned mischievously. "Well, I do like a challenge," she replied, her eyes sparkling with amusement before walking over to the couch and sitting down next to Emma. Her dark eyes focused on the other woman's green ones, and her grin turned into a soft smile. "Hey."

The blonde immediately blushed, which caused Regina, who had been still standing in the doorway, to roll her eyes. She felt her heartbeat quickening, matching the Evil Queen's. She didn't even know when it happened—before, their heartbeats only matched in extreme situations, like being very, very close to Emma—so close as if about to kiss her. But now, even a little eye contact made their heartbeats match, and it was frustrating.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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