Chapter 7

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"Hey, you're home?" Emma smiled as she entered the kitchen. The delicious scent of Regina's cooking skills had already greeted her as she stepped through the front door.

"Yeah," the brunette simply replied, ignoring the fact that it felt oddly intimate when the blonde put her keys down on the kitchen island and stepped beside her, checking what was in the pots. "Did the Evil Queen visit you again after this morning?"

"No, she didn't. I, uhm, I was at the station today, and—"

"Emma," Regina interrupted, her voice carrying an accusatory tone. "You're not supposed to work. You fell and hit your head, remember?"

"I know, but it's all good. I went to a bar and felt fine, remember?"

"Did you? Because the Emma I know would've stuck that asshole's head into the toilet as soon as he started coming close to you."

The room fell into a tense silence as Emma absorbed Regina's words. Green eyes glistened with a complex mix of emotions, resembling hurt. Regina bit her lip, her initial accusation softened by the realization of the impact of her words.

"I didn't mean—"

"You meant like it's my fault that I let this happen because I didn't defend myself?"

"No!" The Mayor almost shouted, panic evident in her voice. "No, Emma, that is not what I meant. Come on, you know me, you know I wouldn't ever say something like that."

Emma, arms crossed defensively, couldn't contain the tears welling up in her eyes. "Then why did you say it like that? I was— I was totally caught off guard by that asshole, and then the Evil Queen appeared."

"I'm sorry, Emma. I didn't mean it," Regina whispered, her dark eyes locking onto Emma's. The vulnerability in her gaze conveyed genuine remorse, and the blonde recognized that Regina's words had struck a chord deeper than intended.

"I know. It's fine," was the only thing Emma replied, but she meant it. She knew Regina, and she knew she'd never say something like that. A little smile graced the blonde's lips as she put her hand on the Mayor's arm.

"Sit down, lunch is almost ready," Regina smiled, subtly distancing herself from the woman's touch. She watched the blonde walking to the table before expertly plating the chicken and rice for her.

"Thank you," Emma smiled. As soon as the other woman also sat at the table with her own plate, they began to eat. The blonde immediately closed her eyes, mumbling, "This is so good."

"It's a one-pot chicken and rice recipe I found online. I wanted to give it a try and am very pleased as well."

The blonde smirked, observing Regina's focused attention on the food on her plate. Emma felt an overwhelming urge to reach out, to grab her hand and intertwine her own fingers with hers. The desire to pull Regina into her arms, to feel the warmth of her body against her own and inhale her beautiful unique scent, intensified.

"Not a fan anymore?" the Mayor inquired, drawing Emma back to the present.

The blonde blinked a few times, a subtle flush creeping up her cheeks. "Hm? Yes! No, I mean- No, it's delicious. I was just...lost in my own thoughts. Sorry," she stammered, hoping Regina wouldn't catch the depth of her momentary distraction.

"Where were your thoughts?" the brunette asked, her eyes narrowing slightly. "The Evil Queen?"

"What? Why would you think that?" Emma replied, genuine confusion in her voice. Regina simply shrugged, her attention returning to her plate as if dismissing the topic. "Why would you assume I'm thinking about the Evil Queen?" Emma pressed again.

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