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The Little Thing in the Last Days - Read in Separate Volumes 74

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The Little Qiankun of the Last Days Author: Peach Blossom for Wine 13

Volume Reading 74

Lost, I also gritted my teeth and jumped in. The two men were still hesitating when they saw the strange scene, but they saw that Awen Awuli ignored them, withdrew his hand and jumped in, losing the spiritual power of the two of them, the entrance of the cave instantly shrank a little, and the two did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly followed.

As soon as He Chengshuang fell below, he felt that the cold wind was blowing, the yin qi was pressing, the mist was shrouded around, and he couldn't see at all, and immediately opened his spiritual eyes, and the thunder in his eyes jumped, and he saw the things around him clearly for seven or eight minutes, and he felt that the wind direction behind him changed, Ye Qingrang and Jiang Ruoyu followed closely, and Ju Yun was even more close to Jiang Ruoyu. Ye Qing asked the three of them not to say much, the spiritual power technique was used freely, He Rong had long been hidden in the dark, and even He Chengshuang was difficult to find.

The two brothers Awen and Awu have heard of the situation here, and forced themselves to quickly adapt to the environment, while the two men in the back are more than a star and a half, one of them is unstable on the ground, his feet are shaking, he doesn't know what he stepped on, and he can't help but let out an exclamation of "ah", the sound is not high, but it is comparable to thunder on the ground here.

Team Leader Huang was most afraid that this kind of person would make a mistake, and he just wanted to shut him up, but he didn't want his screams to suddenly become miserable, as if he was in great pain. Team Leader Huang was the last to come in, right behind the man, but unfortunately his vision was blocked and he couldn't tell what was happening.

The people in front looked back together, and saw a darker black gas enveloping the screaming man, and suddenly flew upward, the upper half of the man's body was submerged in the mist above, and the lower half of his body seemed to be tied by ropes, and his legs couldn't stop bouncing, and the cry was especially unreal in the mist, intermittently, and finally calmed down.

After two clicks, the shoes on the man's feet fell, and everyone looked up, only to see that on his feet, the socks were hanging loosely, revealing a piece of ankle skin and bone, dark brown, and then the man's body also fell, and fell to the ground with a snap, his head tilted to the side, his eye sockets were deep, his skin was black, his mouth was wide open, and he was completely angry.

The more his companion couldn't see it, the greater the fear in his heart, and he took two steps back in a row and didn't dare to make a sound, but he couldn't hide the growing panting, how he regretted it, but now there was no way back.

He Chengshuang didn't take this small change to heart, and looked back to see that this underground burial area was rectangular, with a large, two small and three stone coffins in the middle, and the covers had been lifted and scattered nearby. There were many messy bones embedded in the mud on the ground, presumably the burial people who were trapped and died here at that time.

There are a lot of holes around the coffin that are sunken downward, there is nothing inside, only one is unusually conspicuous, in the unknown broken clay pot, a straight flower grows, three leaves and three flowers, the leaves are broad, covered with spots, the spots all emit a green glow, as if the fireflies are attached to it, the flowers are two large and one small, the color is white and flawless, the tall saucer shape, the petals have wing-like longitudinal ridges, in the darkness of the night light flow, the petals float up and down, as if the butterfly wings fly, Indescribably smart and charming.

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