4. Disconsolation River

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You tapped your ebony black boots against the floor anxiously.
You gazed at your watch, observing the lines go past another small one.
You looked at the exit of the office, a magenta pink door, build in with a lock.
The room around you buzzed like a a glitching electronic device with poor connection. Than, suddenly, the room got straight again and before you, had appeared your therapist from now on.
The man infront of you had magenta glowing eyes which matched his tie, a a dark purple suit that matched his long gloves and black hair. He sat behind his wooden desk with both of his hands clasped together and a smirk plastered onto his face.
As you looked at this man for a few seconds longer, you realised that he had fangs.
"Welcome to the Krueger Health Solutions Corporation. We are the largest multi-specialty medical groups in G2 district, delivering more than one million patients visits each year."
You looked down at William, who was by your side on the floor and playing with toy cars along with his little sister, Isabella. You looked back at your therapist again.
"I am Dr. Albert Gerald Krueger. And I will be in charge of your Dream Therapy today."
'Dream therapy? What a scam.' You thought, mentally scoffing. But you didn't say anything as you had to protect yourself from this madman, as well as the two young children at your side.
The man cleared his throat and said:
"Before we continue our session, I'd like to go over your basic information. What is your name, my child?"
You stated your name.
You stated your age.

"What brings you here and what are your symptoms?"
"What? No, no I'm alright..I just. Uhm.."
You refrained yourself from saying anything else. You weren't really the social type and besides you didn't want to accidentally say anything that you would regret or something that would get you and the kids in a lot of trouble.
Dr. Krueger waited for your response.
"I'm..not sick."
"Very well. Why don't we start with a sanity check?"
"Do you enjoy math, y/n?"
You never paused attention in class, ever. If it was fully charged, you would bring in whatever device that you had into school so that it wouldn't get too boring. Honestly, I wouldn't blame you.
"Perfect! Then let's start with some simple math. The rules are very simple. I'll show you a question, and you'll need to choose the correct answer..from the four cards I will provide you. Does that sound good?"
You nodded your head and took a quick glance at William and Isabella again. Albert also looked at the two children and continued to get out cards with numbers on them from his desk drawer.
Then, you both began the first part of the session. He showed you four cards and you answered all of his easy mathematical questions but you answered them all wrong..just to annoy him. What was the worst that could happen? He was the one who probably brought you here, in this nightmare-ish dream to make you suffer. It was only fair to pay him back.
As he was pulling out another new four cards, one had caught your attention. One of the cards with had said "7" had blood splattered onto it. Your eyes widened and you leaned a bit backwards in your chair whilst looking at your therapist and then the cards.
"Oops. My apologies." Albert said normally as if this were a daily thing that most patients saw.

"I-is that..blood?" You stuttered looking at Albert as if he was a madman. You guessed that you could count him as one.
"No, it wasn't."
"That was! I saw it!"
"No, it wasn't. Now, Y/n..Time is ticking. Focus on your question first."
You made a face at him and scoffed. 'Ok now he's just being annoying.' You thought.
Albert showed you more cards and you answered incorrectly..again.
"This isn't your strong suit, is it?"
He said as he slid the cards off the table and into his desk drawer again.
"Let me turn up the music...much better."
You two sat in awkward silence, wondering who would be the one to break the ice. It was probably going to be him since he was staring at you the whole time whilst you were observing the room, trying to not burst into laughter.
"So..how's is going?" You knew he would be the one to break the ice. You could never.
"How are you feeling? Everything alright?"
"Uh..yeah." No. Nothing was alright. You were in a nightmare that seemed to have no exit whatsoever.
"You a collage student?"
"Are those your kids?" Krueger pointed at Isabella sleeping in her pram and her brother, Will, snoring whilst leaning against the wooden on which you were sitting on.
"No, a random woman gave them both to me because she was late for her therapy session." You replied with a hint of amusement as you picked up William and put him on your lap to fall asleep again.
"Oh? Which room did she go to for her therapy?"
"Uhm.i don't think.." pausing again, you noticed William's small hand clutching yours tightly as he slept. You also noticed the massive crimson red blood stain that was on the floor next to your chair.
"It was this room..right? This is where Lucia came..for her therapy."
Lucia, the mother of the two young children sleeping, is dead.
The person who you saw on the ground before entering the room..was Lucia. Krueger was above her. He was the one who murdered her. Or had he just hurt her? Maybe she was unconscious!
"She..came in here. She's 14..with two children. What did you do with her?!"
You screamed at him, accidentally waking up William.
"Go back to sleep..everything's fine." William went back to sleep as you softly tapped his back in a rhythm.
Slowly, you placed William on the chair and you were now standing on the blue carpet floor.
"She came to you to seek help. She has children who are blood related to her. She is a young teen who never intended to have children. Taking a few deep breaths to refrain from shouting too loud, you decided that you didn't care. He needed to hear what you had to say. You inhaled, and said:
"She chose YOU! Out of all the people in this world..she chose you to help her." Hot tears slipped down your cheeks as you stood there with your fists were clenches together.

"Y/n. I advice you to sit back down."
"You killed her. You're a murder. She came to you for help..and you killed her for something that you don't even know."
"Y/n..sit." He asked again in a calm tone.
"Or what?! Are you going to kill me too?!"

"My dear y/n..you've gotten involved into something that you can't get out of anymore." Placing his hand into his desk drawer, he grabs something that you made out to be a sharp, shiny object. It wasn't a knife. It was a syringe.
"W-wait..no wait, wait. P-please! Ok fine, I take it back!" You hastily grabbed William and took a few steps back until you almost bumped into the pram where Isabella was sleeping peacefully.
You thought.
This is a dream, right? You mean..it has to be? Right? So you're still alive if you could just-

You grabbed the syringe off him and stabbed yourself in the forehead.
The capsule went down along with your daily cup of water. You never liked taking pills, especially the capsules. They often got stuck in your throat and , although the insides are securely contained, you could still taste it. It tasted like sand. Dry, hot sand. When was the last time you've ever been to the beach anyways?
You tried to recall the last time you visited the beach with your family whilst sitting upright in your bed as the chilly breeze that entered your window cut through your body like a knife.
You wondered what he used to kill her with.
No..that'll just make your head ache even more.
You recalled back to your memories of the beach to ease your thoughts.
He was there, she was there..you were there too.
The feeling of content that wasn't really there had eased your mind.

After this morning, after this afternoon, after this night, you will not sleep to see him again.
1455 words
Asslamalikum! I pray that you're all doing fine and well and that you've enjoyed this chapter. Btw I have no idea where this is going sooo yeah if you have any requests pls let me know I'm starving for something dino999z related rn😕

Anyways, go drink some water, eat something, shower, take care of yourself. Asslamalikum!

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