6. Coffee's dopamine

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(He's from a game btw)I have a lot of free time so if you want to request something, request it on my other head cannon stories

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(He's from a game btw)
I have a lot of free time so if you want to request something, request it on my other head cannon stories.
As you sat up in your bed, you ran your fingers through your h/c  hair and tied it backwards, sipping some water along with a pill in the process. (Unless your bald or a hijabi like me idk)
You tried your best not to think about the events that had occurred in your haunting dream last night, so you got up, made breakfast, fed Luna and headed out to work.
Life at work wasn't really the best at a bakery. Although the atmosphere was very comforting with the smell of freshly bakes pastries and warm, rich coffee,you were required to deal with rude customers, rude employees and the worst of all, the one customer who came to the store at a daily just to see you. However, there was someone that you were looking forward to seeing each day you turned up to work. It was your boss. His name was Don. An average heightened male with dark brown hair with matching eyes. He was always in a bad mood to everyone except you and people would have similar descriptions of him. A grumpy old man.
But you never thought of him that way. Sure, he can be grumpy sometimes but he always seemed like a kind of father- figure to you. Always being there to listen to your troubles and praising you for how much effort you put into your work besides having many problems in your personal life that even he didn't know of.
As you walked into the coffee shop, a sweet and refreshing aroma of coffee and baked goods filled your senses. You put on your work uniform and your boss greeted you.
"Sleep well?"
"You already know the answer to that." You sighed and cleaned the tables of the store.
"I see..well, it looks like there's probably going to be more customers coming in today. I'll be in my office."
Don walked back to his office and shut the door behind him. You looked down at the table you were cleaning.
'Ding, ding, ding!'
The bell attached to the door alerted you that Somebody has entered the store. Hastily, you walked behind the counter and recited your usual customer-greeting.
"Welcome to kahwa Coffee! How may I help you today si..ir...oh. You again. Damon stood in front of the counter, handing you a wad of cash with a smirk.
"Hello, dear." Damon said in attempt of a silky voice.
"What do you want." You asked sternly, knowing that he wouldn't care if you were nice to him or not, and that he will keep obsessing over you either way.
"How are you?" He asked as usual.
"Better when you were outside this store."
"Not a good start to your day, hm? Well.. I'm looking to try something a bit different today!" Damon said with a hint of eagerness in his voice, although you have managed to insult him.
"Just tell me what you want already and leave." You were desperate now. Your day was already going down hill when you had that dream. Thinking about it for a millisecond caused you to shiver.
"What do you usually order, dear?"
"Uhm..please don't call me that. And also, I always order that one." You pointed to the worst rated coffee that had tasted horrible and was too expensive. You took the wad of cash off the counter and proceeded to make his bitter coffee.

"Soooo...how long is your shift for..?"
"That's none of your business."
"Alright..alright. Just asking when you would be free this evening."
"I'm not interested. Take your coffee and leave." Sliding the molten-hot cup across the counter and to him, you stared to see his reaction at this bitter, hot cup of a waste. As he took a sip, he smiled warmly and and chugged the entire cup.
"W-what..how?" You stuttered.
"This is amazing! You have such a wonderful taste my dear! However, I know for a fact that this isn't your favourite drink on the menu here."
You weren't really listening to him at this point, more like fantasising about spilling the coffee on him, then forcing him to eat the wad of cash he gave you.
"Is something wrong?" You jumped at hearing Don's heavy and dark voice behind you as he placed his hand on your right shoulder.
"Yeah, this guy is giving me a wad of cash for something I don't know about." You hovered your hand over yours and Don's so that Damon wouldn't lip read you both.
"I think he's a drug dealer." Of course, you knew he wasn't but, you also knew that he was stalking your every move for every second you spent in this shop..and maybe even outside of it, too.
"I deeply apologise for the inconvenience, sir. Y/n, can you go and clean over there? There was a little spillage. In the meantime, what may I help you with?"
If you had the chance, you would embrace Don at that very moment for standing in between you and Damon
You smiled mockingly at Damon behind Don's back and he seemed to notice because Don looked over his shoulder and said your name again in a darker tone, indicating that you should stop messing around and get out of his sight.
Hastily, you walked over into Don's office and accidentally stepped in a puddle of coffee on the floor. 'Guess he wasn't lying about the spillage part'
"He's gone. And you've worked enough. You can go home now." Don declared to you.
"Thanks Don, really."
"You never told me about him. Why didn't you say anything?" Don interrogated you.
"I didn't think it was going to escalate. I thought he was just..drunk..?" A hint of confusion to your own words was sensed by the both of you.
"Alright..well..you go home now. Lock your doors and just don't do anything stupid."
"Yes father.." you mockingly said in a bland, tired voice as you swung the exit of the door open and walked outside.
You don't want to sleep. You don't want to see him again, and you certainly don't want to see what he'll do next if you accidentally fell into this dream world again.
You sat down on your snow-white, styrofoam bed and took your phone out of your pocket.
"3:57" well..you had a few assignments left and your teachers for the next day were pretty harsh. It wouldn't hurt to complete a single assignment for a single harsh teacher, right?
You checked the time on your phone again, this time, sitting in your chair with hunched back. Your head was laying on your desk as you stared at the time your phone had shown before you.
Slowly, your eye lids felt as if they were about to fall off, you legs felt shaken and your back had given up on straightening itself. You looked up from your desk. Before surrendering to the overwhelming feeling of exhaustion, your eyes made out what it looked to be a very magenta pink pop up that overlapped your assignment tab.
Your head hit your desk again.
You never knew that you could run this fast from an unknown, bloodthirsty creature that most likely came from your therapist.
It huffed and left a trail of what it had seemed to be human blood after every step it took. It was practically flying due to how fast it was chasing after you, not even making a single sound which, in your eyes, was incredibly disturbing and made the situation feel more worse.
You made a right turn and ran down the hallway. You then quickly twisted a random doorknob and shut the door behind you, putting your back up against it and closing your eyes. After a few seconds of thumping against the door to get in by the creature, it stopped...and you heard sounds of footfall getting more and more faint.
You panted and wiped the tears dripping down your face as you slumped to the ground, your back still against the door and your face covered with your arms on top of your knees.
You started to sob. Even though this was a nightmare that you know was going to end at the break of dawn, you still sobbed like a child..on the floor.
Suddenly, you felt a pair of arms wrap around you, pulling you into a comforting embrace.
You already knew who it was.

"What are those things?" You whispered with a sore throat from screaming.
"You'll know soon. Please, get up."
Krueger lended you a hand for you to grab onto. And you did.
Of course something was wrong..you could see no expression on his face, therefore declaring that he was serious about something other than that creature chasing you as a prey.
"What's wrong?"
"Wake up."
That's weird..
He never seemed like he wanted you to wake up and leave this dream- world in the first place. Isn't he the one who sent the pop-up ad to your computer screen just to make you pass out and end up here? That doesn't sit right with you..
"W-what are you talking about about?" You asked in curiosity.
Abruptly, he stuck a needle into your arm, causing you to drop to the floor and wake up in your bed in just a matter of a few seconds.
You say up in your bed as quickly as you could to witness your window closing shut with a loud noise.
A blood red rose sat on top of your windowsill. The rose's soft, crippled petals fell from the sill as you picked it up.
A man you have as your killer therapist, along with a stalker who knows your exact location have both been added to your 'already crippled' life.

"What else is new?" You mumbled to yourself.
Don't even mention how long this took because idk either. BUT PLEASE SOMEONE REQUESTTTT AGRH IM DYING OUT OF STARVATION.
And yes that guy you see at work (Pervy Peter) is Peter from the YB game.
This thing:

 This thing:

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And yes. This is Don (my fav grumpy ik man from the game)

Hes the best thing that ever happened in the YB game tbh I don't rlly like the  characters in there except for Don soo

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Hes the best thing that ever happened in the YB game tbh I don't rlly like the characters in there except for Don soo..
Anyways, enough ranting a bout grumpy old men. Keep yourself safe and boost any vid you see about Palestine! If you don't support Palestine in this matter then..just pls leave innit? Or just don't say anything here at all! I don't want any problems. I'm just sharing what is supposed to be!
Your valuable! Take care of yourself.

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