Shangdi Suzuki

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Name: Shangdi Suzuki

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Husband of Fǎlǜ, Father of Fuxi, Grandfather of Jinhai, Great Greadfather of the Suzuki Siblings.

Ranking: Divine God  

Nicknames: Divine God of Omnivers


Infinite Regeneration: All Gods have infinite regeneration  

All Omniverse Powers

 All of the powers of Universal Manipulation/Multiversal Manipulation on a omniversal scale

 Absolute Force Manipulation: Users can create, manipulate and shape force in all its forms, whether physical, transcendent, natural, spiritual, supernatural, mental, cosmic, etc. i.e. all the absolute forces that make up the flow and nature of existence.

Absolute Will: The user has an absolute strength of will, which can be applied to achieve virtually anything through sheer force of intent. The user is completely immune to all forms of control, and possesses a complete and total freedom due to their willpower overriding anything put against them. Beings with immense willpower are capable of pushing themselves to, and then beyond, their limits through sheer force of will - Absolute Will takes this further, allowing the user to completely and perfectly transcend any and all limitations simply by willing themselves to, going so far as to gain a complete and total control over themselves, making their existence answer to their will alone.

 Alternate Reality: User can create a dimension, reality and/or reality-continuum. Everything in this creation depends of the user's choices, whether conscious or unconscious. As such, the user is able to both consciously and unconsciously create status, expertise and abilities for the occupants of the created universe if they deem it necessary.

 Creation Balance: The user achieves perfect balance and harmony with themselves and all the fundamental forces of the universe and the transcendental realms, wielding control over them at will. They possess the unique ability to manipulate opposing forces simultaneously, such as darkness and light, heaven and hell, existence and nothingness, creation and destruction.

 Causality Manipulation: Users can manipulate causality, the relationship between causes and effects, allowing them to decide what happens and what doesn't, when and how. There is no need for a "why" however, as the why of something is determined by causality itself, which is at the users' command, making it one of the few powers that reasonably don't need a reason.

 Concept Manipulation: The user can manipulate parts, parts of a set, all known parts, or all existent parts of concepts, change concepts and their definition, create new ones by warping a universal ideas or create one out of nothing.

 Crossover Manipulation: The user can manipulate how things crossover into other dimensions, realities, universes, realms, etc. They can determine if things can leave their home universe, exist in other universes, handle the different physical laws and concepts (if any), gain new abilities, skills, knowledge , etc., gain new forms going into those worlds, how they interact with things in the other universe, if their abilities work, if they can stay that way upon returning to their home universe, if they gain history upon entering as if they existed there already, if they exist as someone else, if whole worlds/realities can crossover with others, how worlds/realities crossover with other worlds/realities, how powers like Dimensional Travel are affected, etc.

 Cycle Manipulation: User can manipulate cosmic cycles meaning that the user can manipulate and control the beginning (Alpha) and end (Omega) of every existing universe.

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