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Two days later, you stopped Kun outside the event venue where the Holiday Party was supposed to be happening. Everything had to be perfect tonight, you two had to be convincing. In order to distract yourself from that idea, you readjusted the neckline of Kun's turtleneck for a moment and smoothed over the lapels of his suit jacket.

"Okay, there you go," you smiled at him nervously, then fidgeted with the hem of your outfit. "Do I look okay?"

"You look beautiful," he assured you, offering his hand out to you. "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be," you sighed, lacing your fingers with his, ignoring the sparking along your skin where it touched his.

Walking into the party, you immediately wanted to leave. The venue was abuzz with chatter from all your coworkers, and Christmas music blasted from speakers somewhere. You spotted the bar in the far corner, and pulled Kun over there.

"No fucking way am I doing this sober," you muttered to him, earning a laugh.

"Go for it," he rubbed your back as the two of you sidled up to the bar. "I'm driving."

After ordering your drink and Kun's soda, you turned around to the rest of the party, eyes searching for somebody pleasant you could talk to. You finally spotted one of your work friends and led Kun over to her table.

"Hey, Sookyung," you greeted her brightly.

"Y/N!" She threw her arms around your neck. Already tipsy. "There you are!"

"Here I am!" You chuckled, hugging her back. "How are you?"

"Great! Great!" She beamed at you as you pulled away, inquisitive eyes finding Kun next to you. "And who's this?"

"Sookyung, this is my boyfriend, Kun." You hoped your voice didn't squeak too much over the word boyfriend. "Kun, this is Sookyung, we work on the same floor."

"Nice to meet you." He went to offer his hand for a handshake, but she just squealed and hugged him anyway as well.

He looked over at you in confusion, and you mouthed 'drunk hugger' to him. He made an 'ahh' sound, gingerly patting her back before she let go of him.

"So I get to finally meet you!" She was beaming at him. "When Y/N would talk about you and talk about her boyfriend, I always thought you were two separate people! And I felt bad for her boyfriend because I sort of thought she had a crush on this Kun guy. But you're the same person! That makes so much more sense."

"You're not driving home, right?" You asked her pointedly, feeling your skin grow hot with embarrassment and needing to divert from that information as soon as possible.

"Nope!" She giggled. "My girlfriend's here somewhere. She doesn't drink."

"Good, good."

"Speaking of, there she is!" Sookyung took off into the crowd.

"And there she goes," you shook your head, watching her disappear between other bodies.

You fortunately didn't have very long alone with Kun to address what she had just said, as another coworker appeared at your table. Unfortunately, it was the exact person you'd hoped to avoid for as long as possible.

"Y/N," Jangwook set his drink down, already far too close for comfort.

You instinctually backed away from him, right into Kun. Before you could apologize, though, Kun wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you even closer, letting his hand settle on your hip.

He offered his other hand out to your coworker. "Qian Kun, I don't think we've met."

Jangwook shook his hand, and you could see his face contort with pain for a brief flash before he took his hand back. "Lee Jangwook."

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