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"How are you so good at this?" You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest.

Kun had loaded a rather tipsy-you back into his car later in the night, and was now taking you back to your apartment.

"What? Driving?" He chuckled. "Been doing it a few years. They gave me a license and everything."

"No, being my fake boyfriend." You asked the one thing that had been nagging at the back of your mind the whole time. "You don't feel weird or anything? Because we're friends?"

He side-eyed you. "You're too drunk for this conversation."

"I'm not drunk!"

"You're not sober enough for this conversation," he corrected himself.

"Is it because you like me?"

"Y/N, let's just focus on getting you home, okay?"

"Because Minji said you looked at me like... you know..."

"And Sookyung said she thought you had a crush on 'that Kun guy,'" he retorted. "Like I said, let's save this conversation for when you're stone cold sober, Y/N."

"So you don't like me..." You mumbled dejectedly.

"That's not what I said."

You looked out the window, feeling the heavy pout on your face. "But you want me to be sober when you let me down easy so I don't cry or something."

"Y/N..." He sighed, looking over at you as he pulled to a stop in front of your apartment. "Oh, jeez, are you crying right now?"

"No..." You sniffed, wiping at a tear.

"Yes, you are, you liar," Kun said gently.

"Okay, maybe I am."

"Y/N, I'm not going to let you down easy."

"You're going to be mean when you reject me?!" You looked over at him with wide, horrified eyes.

"No, no, what? I'm not going to reject you," he promised, offering his hand out to you. You cautiously put yours atop it, and he gently squeezed your hand between both of his. "Jeez, Y/N, I'm in love with you. And I wanted you to be sober and not crying when I told you that, but there goes that plan."


"Yes. I'll even let you in on a secret." He shifted forward conspiratorially. "Sicheng didn't have to work tonight, I just couldn't stand the thought of anybody else being your fake boyfriend."

You sloppily wiped at your wet cheeks with your free hand, whispering back, "Here's my secret: I was only going to ask him because I knew you would've said yes and I thought you didn't like me like that, and it would've sucked to be your fake girlfriend for one night when I wanted you to be my real boyfriend forever."

"Forever?" He repeated with a giddy grin on his lips.

"Or something, I don't know, I'm drunk, Kun, remember?" You pointed to yourself zealously.

"I thought you weren't drunk? You were very insistent—"

"No, I'm sooo drunk, actually. And sleepy! You should cuddle me to sleep."

"I'll sit with you until you fall asleep," he promised.

"But aren't we for real dating now?" You tilted your head, pouting again.

"We're going to have this conversation again when you're sober, okay? Then we can decide if we're for real anything."

"You are mean."

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