My Name is Sanem

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Can grabbed Tahir's arm and said loudly into his ear, Go and find her! Now! Please!

Who?? Tahir said looking at Can's flustered face.

The woman who was just here a minute ago. The one you tried to make me hurry to finish up with, Can said frantically. It's her, Tahir. Wildflowers. Find her for me. Please!

Shaking his head, he spoke into his earpiece to find a security team member who could take his place next to Can and took off down the stairs of the stage as Can hesitantly went back to greeting the fans in line.

Turning women around hoping to remember exactly what she looked like, Tahir went slowly through the crowd knowing this was an exercise in frustration. There was no way he was going to find this woman.

Wildflowers?? What did he even mean by that? he thought.

Then it dawned on him. That's what Can was saying the night on the yacht. That's too crazy if the same woman is here tonight. His purpose renewed, he pressed on through the sea of people.


Sanem, you were up there for longer than anyone else, girl. What did he say to you? Frankie said loudly as they ordered a drink at the bar.

Nothing really. He introduced himself, which now looking back was so adorable, she chuckled. I said it was nice to meet you and he asked if I wanted to take a photo. It was really weird though. I swear it felt like I had met him before.

Well you do every week on TV, Frankie said, gently pushing her friend's shoulder. They both laughed.

Yeah that's probably why, Sanem answered, slowly drinking her mojito.

I still can't believe we met him! He's so nice! And I really thought I might faint when he smiled at me when he took our picture! Frankie said.

Sanem laughed at her friend, but she knew what she meant. He had a gorgeous smile. And that was some intense eye contact they had going on. Her cheeks were still flushed from the interaction. She looked down at her hand recalling how it felt when he held it. She still couldn't get over the strong feeling of familiarity.

She felt someone touch her elbow. Turning towards the person, she was surprised to see the face of the man who was with Can on the stage. Furrowing her brows, she looked at him quizzically.

Hey, ah..I'm sorry to bother you. You were on stage with Can just a bit ago, right? I'm Tahir. I'm the head of Can's security detail.

Sanem was speechless. She tried to form some kind of sentence. Was she in trouble somehow? Why was he asking her that?

Frankie chimed in when Sanem seemed to be frozen in her seat.

Yes, we both were. Is there a problem? she asked, now frowning.

No. NO! Not at all! Uh, well Can asked me to try to find you. He would like to speak with you again, Tahir said, looking at Sanem and trying not to alarm the two women.

Sanem looked confused and slightly apprehensive. When she finally found her voice again, she said, I'm sorry. What? I don't understand. Why would he want to speak to me again?

Great..he hadn't thought this through at all. What was he going to say. Hey! My friend likes you and wants to meet you cause you smell like wildflowers. What are 5th grade?? If he wasn't careful, he would give her the impression that Can was being improper somehow.

Well, um he enjoyed your...ah, short interaction and would like to meet with you again, Tahir said carefully continued trying to appear friendly.

Squinting her eyes as she picked up her purse, Sanem suddenly got up from her seat at the bar and said, I'm sorry but this is making me really uncomfortable. Mr. Yaman must have mistaken me for a different kind of woman. I can assure you that...

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