Live each second without hesitation

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After all, tomorrow is another day!

Tossing and turning all night.

Another restless sleep like every night for the last few months.

Life really likes to torture me with sleepless nights.

pushing me to my limits.

I stood up and read the clock on my phone.
It was only 6:30 am so I decided to have a shower since the house was hotter than i expected.

Grabbing my towel and wash bag I headed through to the bathroom turning on the water and jumped in, cool water trickling down from the shower-head peace and quiet from my own thoughts.

I kept an eye on my phone making sure I was out the bathroom by 7:00am as that's when the boys have they're showers and I didn't need any of them pissed off at me i'd prefer to keep them as friends for now..well all besides cole i really don't like that boy.

Wrapping myself up in a towel I grabbed my wash bag and phone then proceeded to open the bathroom door to see Isaac outside leaning against the wall looking up at me.

"Don't worry you're only a minute late getting out of the bathroom, I won't kill you for it"

he said, chuckling at my face clearly it had betrayed me and showed him that I was panicking that he'd be mad at me.

"Thank god had me worried you'd try to shave my hair off in my sleep"

I said laughing with him before walking back to my room to get changed.

I settled on a pair of low waisted camo cargos, long sleeved cropped band T and a pair of white doc martens.

I kept my make-up natural and left my hair straight, looking in the mirror I noticed how much I looked like mum.

Maybe that's why Jackie didn't like me?

I walked downstairs to see almost everyone eating breakfast.

I grabbed a waffle before rushing back upstairs to grab my water bottle, I filled it up and then raced out the door everyone was now in the car as Alex stepped out to let me in next to him.

"Did you get any sleep last night?"

he said, slipping back into his seat glancing at me.

"Not really if i'm being honest another sleepless night like usual why?"

I said, sounding more irritated than I meant to.

"Heard you wandering about last night and get up this morning"

he said, slightly taken aback by my tone of voice.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude i'm just shattered is all"

I said keeping my head down, feeling bad
that I had upset one of the only boys who had treated me kindly since my arrival.

We had gotten to school quicker than I imagined, it was busy, more busy than I had initially thought it would be, kids going through every door available.

"We leave at 3:30 pm sharp, isaac we have a full car so no offering rides to cheerleaders today okay?"

Cole said, hopping out of the driver's seat.

all the other boys followed in pursuit.

I sucked in a deep breath before climbing out of the car.

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