Chapter 3 [ Grandpa will always love you]

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Amile started crying, I also wanted to cry but I didn't want everyone's sacrifice to be in vain. I looked at Amile's hand that had five rings , I held it and I steeled myself " there's no time, we have to go now" she took a deep breath and nodded.

Grandpa has lived on this mountain for more than 30 years, it's expected of him to build escape tunnels and passages. We took the tunnel that was located in the garden cause it leads to the back of the mountain. After descending thousands of stairs with a pounding heart against my chest. We made it out and saw two guards waiting with four horses. Two were brown, the white one was Amile's and the black one was mine. Mom gave them to us as a gift two years ago.

We got on and didn't waste a second " hiyya! " after hours of being on a speeding horse Amile had enough " stop!". We slowed down after hearing her scream" we have to rest, it's enough distance already" the guards hadn't introduced themselves, everything was in haste but now I want to know. " We thank you for getting us the horses but may we please know the names of our saviours " nothing seemed worthy of their reaction, they had hard expressionless faces. " I am Ntlaka and this is Ntlahla, we have been assigned by your grandfather to look out for you until you reach South Raiener and it might take six months with our rest speed " said Ntlaka. He said the last two words looking at Amile.

Ntlaka was bald but you could tell from his eyebrows that he'd have black hair, he was buffed and taller than Ntlahla. " The horses need to rest cause we won't go far with them like this" said Amile and I disagreed on that. Ntlaka agreed to stay for today. The reason why I disagreed is that it's still midday, it would be best if we continued and rested when it gets dark.

Ntlaka and Ntlahla rested their backs against a tree and Amile was setting a tent for us. I on the other hand imagined my family fight a battle knowing very well they'll end up dying. I didn't stop the tears as I imagined every kind of death they might face. " Grandpa told me to give you this latter" said Amile handing me a small folded paper. I took it and unfolded it

Dear Zimasa

There isn't much to say, I don't regret the decision I've made cause I know the two of you will live on safely. I want you to live your own life any way you want  because I know that you've always wanted to be free of our family name. It was going to happen anytime and in any way for you to leave and journey to where your heart wants to go. Never take revenge and never come back here, the only thing I want from you is to train and train more to be the best of yourself. The weak is destined to live unfairly and I don't want you to depend on anyone but yourself. So train and seek strength within you.

Grandpa will always love you

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