Chapter 5

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‘Wake up,Karl’


"I'm up, I'm up!",I jolted awake hearing the piercing scream in my head.

"Are you ohk?",I heard Zayn say and I turned to look at him.

There was immerse pain in his eyes despite no physical injury visible on his body anymore.It broke my hurt seeing him like that and I was about to ask him what happened when everything came rushing back to me.

The attack,Eric escaping and everything turning black.Are we dead?Is that why we're now in our human form?

‘We aren't dead you dumb ass.We were captured and now we're in a dungeon.Look around’

I immediately took a quick scan around and this really was a dungeon.

"Karl?",Zayn called out drawing my attention back to him.

"Are you ohk?",he asked again this time with a worried expression accompanying the pain in his lovely amber brown eyes.

"I'm fine.Are you ohk?",I asked with concern and he sighed looking down.

I immediately took his hand in mine trying to assure him that he could bare his soul to me.He looked at me for a brief moment and open his mouth to speak but just then we heard a low growl followed by a soft whimper.

My head immediately snapped towards the source and my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets in shock.Why didn't I notice this before?

It was Tess.He was a little visible behind a thin veil,face buried in a pillow on a bed with a large male clearly pounding into him from behind.

‘Oh my goddess’, Jax gasped.

I couldn't believe my eyes.Tess was being fucked right Infront of me.And he was being railed pretty hard because he kept jerking forward with every thrust and his whispers were becoming more and more heartbreaking as they were being drowned out by the pleasure grunts of the male on top.

"Why?",I asked no one in particular as my heart began ache.I know I'm not connected to Zayn yet but I guess the level of intimacy we share is enough for me to feel a little connected to his beta as his Luna.

"I wished you wouldn't have to see this",Zayn said from the side taking my attention off the gruesome scene Infront of me.

"Why?",I asked this time directing the question to him.

"The man mercilessly violating Tess and forcing us to watch,is Kye.His the leader of the skull rouges and he claims to be Tess's mate",Zayn explained and I gasped in shock.This can't be right.

"If his really Tess's mate then why would he do this to him?Why attack his pack, capture him and violate him like this?"

"I don't know, kitten.I don't know.But I know obe thing,I want this man dead",Zayn glared at Kye who was now making disgusting growling sounds as he mercilessly tortured Tess.

"I'm with you.He deserves to die",I said with determination looking at Zayn since I can't bring it in myself to look back at the scene unfolding infront of me.

Zayn also tore his eyes away from the scene before storming off to a corner to punch a wall just when Kye let out a loud growl as Tess sobbed.

I clenched my chest due to the immerse pain I felt hearing Tess's sobs which continued after Kye seems to have finished.I still couldn't bring myself to look at Tess's state.It was too painful.

"I'll kill you",Zayn threatened moving to the cell bars all of sudden and glaring at who I presume is Kye.

I immediately turned to look and gasped in shock.The man was nothing compared to Zayn but he was quite good looking in an annoying way.So he was the viscous leader of the skull rouges.

"I'll like to see you try",he said with a smug smirk on his face.

"You beast.We'll definitely kill you for Tess",I glared at him but he only chuckled, irritating me more than I already was.

"Tess is mine",Kye stated before turning to leave."If you really wish him well,you wouldn't even try to kill his mate"

And with that Kye walked away as Zayn and I cursed at him.I was still fuming with anger when I caught sight of Tess curled up on the bed sobbing his heart out.

It hurted seeing him like that and as his Luna I wanted to put an end to his suffering but I couldn't.Not yet.

I looked away with a heavy heart and moved to sit near the wall.There was no bed so the only place to sit or lay was the bare floor.

"Don't worry kitten,I'll find a way to get us out of here.All of us",he promised and I smiled at him.

‘Awww, Greek god,hug me’,Jax purred.


"Yes, kitten?"

"Since Jax fought so hard I want to give him a gift.Can you let him meet Ace?"

‘Oh my goodness!!Karl!I love you’

'Whatever,stop yelling'

‘Sorry, sorry’

"Ohk.I guess Ace deserves a treat too",Zayn smiled before closing in eyes and seconds later,his hair lengthened.

When he opened his eyes they shimmered golden indicating Ace was now in control in a semi human form.I smiled and he smiled at me revealing a bit of his canines.

‘Oh gosh.Quick!Let me out’


I closed my eyes and let Jax push forward.He immediately jumped into Ace's arms after surfacing and j couldn't help but shake my head as Ace chuckled holding us near.

He run his fingers through our hair and Jax purred in pleasure shutting his eyes as he breathed in our mates scent.I smiled and decided to rest letting Jax fly solo.

I closed my eyes and drifted off into a much needed sleep.I'll think about how to handle all that's currently going on tomorrow.

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