christmas lights

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a/n: this would literally be me with andy, i basically just described myself when i see christmas lights. also i didn't quite expect this story to be this long, but here we are! also, this is slightly different than my original thought, but i still love it a lot, and i hope you do too, and have a wonderful christmas!

December, 1981

It was that time of year again, coincidentally your first Christmas together, and Andy decided to take you out and drive around so the two of you could admire the lights and decorations that people have put up outside their homes. You had brought blankets for the two of you, and Andy had grabbed an old book he had of Christmas songs in case the two of you wanted to sing together.

How this whole conversation started was when the two of you got to talking about the Christmas season coming up one evening, and you had mentioned that you loved to drive around and look at Christmas lights every year, like you had since you were a kid. Andy had found the concept incredibly festive and sweet, so he had made a mental note to take you out and continue your tradition.

You had been flattered that he wanted to do the same thing with you, having only been together for barely a year, but Andy was a kind soul, so you could already tell he'd go out of his way for you, and do it with a true heart. You felt so lucky you found someone like Andy to love you, and to love.

It was darker now, the only lights being Andy's headlights and the Christmas decorations that adorned the front lawns of people's houses. "Sure is dark," Andy remarked as he looked around, making sure he didn't run anything or anyone over. You sent him a soft smile as he pulled into a quaint neighborhood, turning down his headlights a little, but still leaving them on so he could still vaguely see where he was driving.

"Andy, look!" You exclaimed when you saw a short rectangular house with multi colored Christmas lights adorning the roof's edge, and dangling down the side of the house, revealing a small quaint wreath hung on the front door, with a red ribbon bow tied through the branches. Andy felt a warmth in his chest as he smiled at you, admiring your genuine excitement for the brightly colored lights that added a little extra sparkly reflection in your eyes. He often marveled about the fact that he was able to love such an incredible human being, who you most definitely are.

"Y'know," Andy said softly as he slowly drove up the street, "My sister always comes over and decorates my parents house, she has the knack for design, like you," He added and he briefly glanced to you, making you blush. Andy loved to bring you into the conversation any chance he had, it made him happy to talk about someone he loved so dearly.

Andy continued driving through the neighborhood, that wasn't the two of you's, but it was close enough to visit this time of year to see it filled with colorful lights and lifted spirits. Which in return, lifted your's and Andy's.

You loved this time of year, it always brought you so much inner joy; the lights, the good wishes, the reminder of your childhood, the snow, etc. And of course, you loved the fact that this year, you have someone very special to spend it with. The love of your life. Actually, Andy was above and beyond that. He was more than you could've ever imagined wishing for, he was so incredible.

You almost wanted to tell him that, 'you're a dream come true, Andy,' but did you dare? It had only been a year, but you already felt such a strong emotion for the blond that you've never felt before for anyone else. And the only thing you could fathom doing with that emotion was spilling out some of it to Andy, or into your diary. Or, you could keep your mouth closed and not utter a word of it. But, it felt too euphoric and intense to keep to yourself. Maybe some time you'd tell Andy about it.


Soon, Andy pulled into another small neighborhood that had a row of houses decorated in multi color, silver, and gold lights, so he parked off to the side so the two of you could admire them all. It was like someone lit up a tunnel of bookcases, going on and on. It was Christmas heaven, and it warmed your heart.

Andy moved closer to you, pulling you into him. Your heart started to beat a little faster, and your cheeks felt warm. You threw the blanket over your laps, and gently rested your head against Andy's shoulder. "It's beautiful," You said softly, as Andy flicked through the channels, trying to find soft instrumental Christmas music.

"So are you," He replied in a similar tone as Stille Nacht quietly seeped from the speakers. You smiled, feeling butterflies accompany your beating heart. "You're my dream come true, Andy," You said, accidentally replacing me for a. You quickly looked into his eyes in surprise, seeing if you messed something up, wondering if you said it too soon.

But Andy smiled, calming your worries. His smile was one of happiness, and slight surprise. He hadn't expected you to say it, especially now, but he felt relieved you did.

Because he felt the same.

"And do you know you're mine?" He replied, causing the butterflies in your stomach to fly intensively. You were swooning over this man, it sometimes became unbearable. At times you wanted to scream from your emotions being too high. But at other times you wanted nothing more than to be wrapped in Andy's loving embrace, sweet nothings being whispered into your ear.

All you could do in response to Andy's comment was sigh dreamily, causing a heartfelt chuckle to fall from his lips, which the cold London air would've certainly froze if he'd been outside. Andy glanced outside his window, briefly admiring the metallic deer prancing on someone's front lawn. When you caught a glimpse of his side profile as he turned, you sighed again. Andy turned back to look at you, his smile slowly turning into a smirk.

"Are you tired?" He teased, pretending to take your dreamy sighs as signs of being tired from staying out late. You shook your head, and he chuckled again. "I'm just teasing you, Sweetheart," This was one of the few nicknames he gave to you, and it caused your heart to fill with love every time almost immediately. His warm accent made it even better. You smiled lovingly his way, suddenly feeling the urge to give him a kiss. Should you ask for it? Who asks for a kiss? But, you felt you hadn't fully decoded the workings of this relationship yet, so you felt you still had to take occasional precautions.

"Can I kiss you, Andy?" You murmured, barely audible above White Christmas. Andy's smile was still there, only it seemed more tentative. This wasn't your first kiss, not at all, but the atmosphere still felt like it was. Andy glanced to your lips, before meeting your eyes again, "Yes," He whispered, and you put one of your hands in the cup holder to brace yourself so you could lean into him.

And when you did, you were not disappointed.

Your lips met and locked, creating a blissful feeling of electricity between you two. You gently deepened the kiss, your hand grasping the darkness to find his. When you blindly couldn't find it, you reached up to cradle his neck, your other hand still in the cup holder.

Andy was the first one to pull away, taking a breath of air and gazing into your eyes. You took a deep breath as you returned his loving gaze, his eyes telling you a million things and more. You began caressing your maroon nails across his neck, making him shiver internally with sensitivity and passion. He felt himself involuntarily melt from your touch alone, and your striking e/c eyes. You, to him, were a goddess.

"I love you," He quickly murmured as he pressed his lips against yours once more. You barely had time to reciprocate his statement before your lips were moving slowly and passionately against his, your heart full of so much love and the only thoughts in your head being Andy and the brightly colored lights that still shined outside Andy's car windows.

Christmas was your favorite time of year, and now, you have another reason to love it.

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