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                       "Friends by Chase Atlantic"

After class, I pick the books up from my desk and put them in my flower-printed bag. I look at it, and brush my thumb over the ruvid fabric. All of the sudden, my brain is filled with memories. Memories that make me feel like a child again. Memories that make me shiver and make me swallow hardly. The bag originally belonged to my mother, before she passed away due to a brain tumor. It was her everyday bag, it was like a piece of her. And once she was gone...it felt like the only thing that could connect the both of us. At times, I think I can still smell her sweet scent on it.

My thoughts are interrupted thanks to somebody coughing. I shoot my head up and I see that guy, Descamps, leaning on the door frame. He steps in the once empty classroom (except for me) and walks towards my desk. I don't give him the satisfaction of being the first to attack and keep calm, just like Louis told me. My hands work quickly and I put the last book away. I completely ignore him, I don't even glance at him, I just take my bag and tempt to walk away, but descamps hand finds my elbow, holding me still.

"Where do you think you're going," he looks at my dress, then at my bag "flower girl?" he questions the nickname he gave me himself and smiles. I shake my arm out of his grip and take two steps back. "What." I limit my words.
"Didn't we just have a talk about good manners?"he chuckles sleekly and leans on my desk. "I just wanted to apologize, you know for earlier. Since we're in one class, I think we should start over. Completely." I hold my breath and look at him strangely. "Hey, I'm
Joseph Descamps."he smiles and extends out his hand. I'm very unsure and confused by his action. My thoughts linger a little on it, he's either actually not as bad as I thought or he's a really, really good actor.

At this point, who cares? I just don't want any enemies. He doesn't need to like me, he just doesn't need to hate me. I take his hand sloppily into my mine and shake it. "Juliette Iverson." His eyes linger on our hands and he smirks. "Pleasure.."he whispers, before his eyes flicker back up to mine, through his golden glasses. Even though Louis told me to stay away from him...it's not who I am, and it's not who I'm going to fake to be. He was nice, I guess, which means I need to be nice back. That's my philosophy anyway. "I'm glad," I gift him a diffident smile, which he returns with a much more friendly one. I don't like that, not one bit.

"You know I don't want any conflicts. I just want to enjoy my time here and it'd be really difficult if...I made myself some 'enemies'."my mouth escapes an awkward chuckle. "Oh yeah...it would be terrible...absolutely horrendous." he squints his eyes, I nod and look at him in silence. His hands slide to the sides of his hips, into his pockets. He rocks his feet while looking at me and it's, in significance of my memory, one of the most awkward moments I've ever lived. I suck as much air as I can into my lungs, give Descamps, again, an awkward and unnecessary smile, and head out. Only until then, the air bottled up in my chest gets it's relief.

"I love your dress." I hear a sweet voice say, as I'm walking through the hallways, trying to find my way to the cafeteria. My head turns automatically in the voices direction and I see a girl, with black short hair, smiling at me. "Thank you...That's no nice of you." I smile back widely and take a few steps towards her. "I really like your hair clip." I point to the yellow hair barrette entangled on the right side of her hair. "Thank you.."she giggles nervously "Do you maybe ...want to try it? I mean, it would suit your outfit.."the girl takes her hair clip off, and without hesitation nor waiting for my answer, with one swift motion, pushes my hair to side and pins the hair back with her clip. The girl admires me and abruptly takes my hand, and runs with me towards the girls bathroom. I'm taken back at first, but run by free will shortly after. She pulls me in front of the mirror and I look at the clip. "This looks so cute.."I smile and look back at her. "You're truly stunning, you remind me of snow white." "Now that's a compliment. Wait let me take it out-" "Absolutely not, you keep it. It looks better on you than it does on me." She laughs a little "You're literally an angel." my mouth escapes a high chuckle. "I haven't even introduced myself. Simone Palladino." she smiles at me. "Juliette Iverson. Nice to meet you. Hey do you happen to know where the cafeteria is? I'm really hungry." "Oh yeah. My friend Michele is probably already there. I'm going to introduce you to her! God I'm excited.."she jumps up and down and I smile at her hyperactive manners. That's the people I like.


School is over, and Louis and I are starting to make our ways outside to the yard. "So, how was your first school day?" he looks down at me while we're walking. "I'd say...strange."I chuckle nervously as I entangle my hand around Louis arm. "But...Descamps came to talk to me after first period and he apologized soo..maybe it wasn't so bad after all." "Juliette what did I tell about not listening to him? You can be so naive sometimes..."he stops in his tracks and shakes his head. "I know! I know, but he seemed so sincere. That doesn't mean we're friends, we just reconciliated. That's it." He looks down at his shoes, then up at me again. "You do you, but I warned you." "Yes, yes you did! Now can we just leave it there? I'm tired and conversations about the guy are quite literally exhausting."I chuckle and look over to the metal bars, where I had put my bike but for some reason, it's not there.

"Where's my bike?"I say abruptly and look at the boy next to me. His eyebrows shoot up and a chuckle escapes his lips. "I told you..." "You tell me many things.." "I told you that listening to him wasn't worth the effort." I sigh and look at where once was my bike as I walk over to it, followed by Louis. "I don't think it was him, at what cost would he do that?" "Getting payback. And for fun. That's what he does Juliette...he's bored so he makes other people's lives hell. I speak from years of experience. Now it's the poor guy, Pichon." He might be right. Descamps was far too quick and was way too nice. I should've been smarter, should've been two steps ahead. But, he would never go as far as to stealing my bike...right?

HEYY GUYS!!! HOW ARE YOU DOING?? I just wanted to wish everyone who celebrates a merry christmas<33

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HEYY GUYS!!! HOW ARE YOU DOING?? I just wanted to wish everyone who celebrates a merry christmas<33

BTW I JUST MADE A TT ACCOUNT where I post edits soo...if you'd like to see them the username is: @booksxswiftie

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