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"A certain romance- Arctic Monkeys"

"Juliette...?" Louis' voice breaks me out of my thoughts as we enter class. After yesterdays encounter with Descamps, my mind has been filled with thoughts haunting me. This man, if you can even call him one, could ruin my life in any second. He's humiliated me once and I'll do everything to avoid him successfully doing that for a second, indiscreet time. Right after our little chat and having talked to Louis, I walked home and snuck in, desperately trying not to wake my drunk father, but I've already mastered that art.

"Yeah," I cough, clearing out my throat "Sorry, I was just...just thinking." Louis chuckled as we walk to to our desk. "You've got your head upper in the clouds than usual. What's on your mind? Is it, Jean Pierre?"A big smile appears on his face as he starts to unpack his things. "Oh stop it!"I push his arm jokingly, whilst rolling my eyes. "What? Come on, I saw you yesterday...walking home together. Go on and tell me!" I take my textbook out of my flower printed bag as well as my pencil case. "There's nothing to tell." He stops, crosses his arms and looks straight at me. "And I'm Elvis Presley."

"It's nothing really. He walked me home, we talked and he wants to walk me home again today." I tilt my head as I sit down on the far too uncomfortable seat. "There's nothing to tell." He mocks me, imitating a strangled, annoying voice that I wouldn't even consider  nearly like mine.

I turn my head, away from Louis, towards the door, through which Descamps and his little friends are walking in. My eyes linger on his face, my mind taking in all that he is. I hate his haircut, I hate his lips and the way they curl up into a smile when I'm mortified, I don't like his stupid eyes, the way they stare at me and...well...I've seen better noses. Perhaps Louis'! Descamps is, over all, an average looking guy. Thats at least what I think, but the other girls don't seem to share my opinion. They swoon over the boy who bullies them. When people used to say 'love is blind', it never made much sense to me, but now I'm starting to understand. Touché.

We aren't living in a book though, nor a movie like the ones you see on the big screen. This world is cruel; it oppresses you. Love can turn into obsession as quickly as it can turn to possession and to craving the constant feeling of power. That's why I avoid being in a relationship. They say that you can't choose who to love, but is it really true? I've always been convinced that you have some power in the palm of your hand, as well as on the flesh of your heart, to have a choice. It's not like you just fall in love, you put in commitment, which represents your will to do anything it takes to be with that person. So, to me, no: It's not that easy. All that stuff about love at first sight: it's bullshit.

Sometimes I find myself thinking about how it would've been, if my father hadn't chosen to use that little power he had on my mother. Well, it was a lot of power actually. So much, that the agony he was in for the woman of his heart, of his life, of his dreams that he had just lost made him forget about another love, one still fresh and lively. And if he hadn't been so blinded by it, maybe he would've realized that there's always been tiny spark of her in me.

I shake my head, waking me up from my thoughts as I notice the tall boy walking over to his seat. His stare never leaving my body, it's like his eyes are glued on me and Louis seems to notice.

"Why's he looking at you?"he spits out, rolling his eyes as he cracks his knuckles. Typical Louis. "I don't know," Oh, but I do.
He's a horny teenage boy going through puberty, who's seen a girl pleasuring herself for the first time and is using that against me. Disgusting. "Maybe he's looking out the window." I try to find a plausible excuse and, because we're sitting in the row next to the window, it might work.

"No, he's looking at you. Screw looking, he's staring. AND drooling." I spit out a laugh and shake my head, running a hand through my hair. "You're overreacting," The boy leans over and puts his elbows on his knees. "Juliette, I'm a boy. I know how boys think." My eyebrows shoot up, my lips kissing my teeth. "Dumb minds think alike?" He closes his eyes as his mouth escapes a low chuckle. "I'm joking, I'd never compare you to pirate boy."

Mrs. Couret is facing the blackboard, on which she is writing on. Something about the beatles, she had told us, and I couldn't have been more excited. But when I heard the whole fairy tale squad, which includes Descamps and Dupin, the pirate and the gnome, giggling and fumbling over something girls wouldn't understand, I knew that this lesson wouldn't end like our professor had hoped.

I look over and see Descamps fidgeting with a magazine, right before it being taken away from applebaum. Then, Applebaum threw the magazine over his head to Vergoux who catched it and threw it one last time, to an unexpected person. It probably wasn't supposed to land on her desk, but it did. I turn around at the same time as Mr. Couret does and look at the magazine laying in front of Michele's desk. At the sight I can't help but sigh. A sigh of mortification and embarrassment because, the guys were really giggling over this stuff? How old are they, twelve? Mrs. Couret walks over to desk and her mouth forms an O as she looks at the sight displayed on the table. Michele looks horrified, she probably doesn't know how to react. If you're wondering what it was, it was porn. The type for lonely, pubertal and desperate boys.


I, once again, feel Descamps eyes burning on my skin, probably awaiting a reaction from me. My eyes look up from the magazine directly at him. He's smirking, trying to hold back laughter as he notices my shocked face. Are boys really this stupid and bring this type of stuff to school?! Then he does something, he winks at me, and I feel my stomach forming knots. Not good ones. The ones you know you'll never be able to untie.

 The ones you know you'll never be able to untie

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HEYY GUYS!! This took a while...but it's finally here! WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK?? LET ME KNOW! I kind of wrote this in a rush so it's not very good and it's also, again, kind of a filler chapter but THE NEXT ONE WILL BE BETTER! TRUST ME


𝑭𝑨𝑳𝑳𝑬𝑵 𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑳 // 𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐬ᥫ᭡Where stories live. Discover now