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                               "Yesterday- The Beatles"

A thousand thoughts are wandering  through my head all at once. My eyes are blurry from the tears and the shock I'm in...because everything happened so quickly, I almost thought I'd just imagined Louis jumping on top of him. I can hear descamps crying for help, his mouth escaping loud whimpers full of pain, while being down on his knees. The dean is shouting but at this point, I can't hear a thing he is saying. It is like my ears have been shut and the only thing that's left for me to do is think. I think a lot about everything, for me there's always a reason behind everything one does and I enjoy contemplating about it but in this moment thinking is only making me feel smaller than I already feel.

A woman, which I assume is the English teacher, tries to comfort me. She wraps me up in a jacket, who's owner is unknown to me, and walks me out the classroom. "It'll be okay." I manage to make her words out. "I'm taking you to the school nurse. She'll surely have a change for you. Alright?"her hands rub up and down my arms, trying to give me some warmth. We walk quickly through the hallways all the way to the nurses office. As we enter, the nurse, who I figured is also the deans wife, embraces me gently and makes me sit on a chair. "Oh my, what happened?" The professor doesn't waste any time and tells her everything that's happened, that way I don't have to think about it any further. "I think I might have something for you.."she gives me a reassuring smile before walking over to a wooden cabinet.

I sigh and gulp audibly as I just rethink about all of this. First I argue with descamps because he's just a dick, then he apologizes, after that he proceeds to steal my bike, in secret of course, just to pull a prank on me and humiliate me in front of the whole class. What a great start. If this is how it's going to be rest of the school year, I better switch back to my old school again. One question after the other pops up inside my brain and I can't keep track of any of them. Well, except for one simple question, which I don't think I'll ever get the answer to.


Why humiliate me in front of everyone? Why deceive me in such a disgraceful way? And why, god why, did I actually fall for it? Louis was right, he always is, and I should've listened to him. Should've kept my eyes wide open. The positive thing about this though, is that now I'm one-hundred percent sure, that Joseph Descamps, the biggest asshole on the planet, was the one who stole my bike. Because he was never my friend. And if he managed to pull this off, he'd manage to do anything.

My right leg starts to tremble, causing the chair to vibrate a little as the woman comes back with a shirt, which I can already tell is too big for me, and a pair of jeans, which are also looking way too huge. Without complaining, I take the clothes and get changed. Once I finish buttoning up the shirt as well as the pants, I look at my reflection in the mirror. My hair is still wet in some places, but it's starting to dry. The mascara that was once beautifully placed on my lashes is now all smushed under my eyes, that wander down to the clothes on my body and just as I had expected, they are way too big on me. The shirt is falling down the one side of my shoulder and as for the jeans, I take my little black belt and use it to keep them in place. Wouldn't want to prove descamps' point about my underwear in front of everyone again.

Someone walks abruptly inside the office and I turn my head instantaneously. It's Louis, a very badly bruised louis. His lip was cut open and is now bleeding heavily. His finger meets his lip to brush some of the blood away. His bloody, right temple is starting to become not only swollen but also a shade of purple I can't decipher. My eyes wander down to his hands, the blood on them makes it looks like he's murdered somebody. Of course, his red and bruised knuckles don't make it any better.

"Louis!"I run to him and embrace him in my arms. "Are you okay?"I ask worriedly, as I pull away from the hug, take his face into my hands and start to examine it. "It's nothing, Jules." Oh but it is, he doesn't look good at all. "God, you shouldn't have done that, louis!"I shout, not because I'm mad at him, but because I'm mad at myself. If something had happened to him, it would've been my fault. If I hadn't been so naive and such an idiot, I wouldn't have fallen for it and this never would've happened.

"And what should I have done? Hm? Let them humiliate you in front of everyone? No fucking way, Juliette. You know I'd do anything you asked me to but not if it meant letting someone else put you down. You're not just a friend to me. You're like my sister, Jules." I look at him, he looks at me but we both don't share another word. Our eyes speak for themselves. Deep down, I'm grateful that he stood up for me and deep down he doesn't show remorse for what he did, still he's sorry because he knows I was worried sick for him. Before I can start a new conversation, the nurse walks in and starts to take care of Louis. She cleans his wounds very carefully, disinfecting them, and I just watch. Once he's done, the nurse advises him to go the her husbands- to the deans office because he's waiting there for him.


Miss Couret, our english professor, told me to go home, and so I did. I was feeling so drained and as much as I don't want to admit it, I was too embarrassed to walk in that classroom again. I haven't spoken to Louis since I last saw him in the office and I was slowly starting to get worried. Is he going to get expelled? Because if he is, I'm never going to forgive myself for it. And his parents, who love me like I'm their own, won't either.

Then, unexpectedly, someone knocks at my front door and I walk out of my room, down the stairs to open it. The doorknob feels cold on my hands as I twist it and swing the door open. I find myself standing in front of Michele and Simone, who look at me like I'm a deer under the brightest of lights. "Juliette.."they say in union and hug me one by one. I take their coats and hang them, before we all go up to my room. "How are you feeling?"asks michele as she sits down on the chair of my desk. I sit down parallel to her on my bed and look at the both of them. "Better. Guys, It's not like I was shot..."I try to lighten up the mood, but it seems as if they both know better. They know that I'm not over it at all. Simone sits down next to me and takes my hand. "Still. What descamps and his dirty little friends did was terrible and you didn't deserve any of it. I don't know what I would've done...I probably would've just run away. You were brave, you know that right?"simone brushes my hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear. "I know...thank you, girls."I smile at them and proceed to take Michele's hand.

"What descamps did was horrible...but Louis shouldn't have gone that far. I understand a punch or two, he deserved them but ending up in the hospital?" Michele looks at Simone with wide eyes. "He deserved all of it, Simone . I don't care that he's laying in a hospital bed right now." That catches my attention. What the hell did I miss? "What are you guys talking about?"I spit out a desperate laugh, hoping they didn't actually mean what they had just said. "Wait? You don't know?"Michele says with a confused expression. "Should I know something?"I smile innocently, not knowing what's about to come.

"Juliette...Descamps lost his eye.."says Simone and all of the sudden, I'm sick to my stomach.

There is no way in hell, the dean is going to make Louis stay...


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How are you doing?? As always, tell me what you think about this chapter<33


Oh and please don't mind any grammar or spelling errors because English isn't my first language. I'm trying my best so bear with me. MWAH I LOVE YOU ALL SO SO MUCH🤍

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