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The doorbell rings. Vicki walks out of the parlor and opens the door revealing Liz on the other side

Liz: Vicki, is Lucifer here?

Vicki: Sure.

Lucy walks up to the doorway

Lucy: Sheriff, what can I do for you?

Liz: Sorry to bother you, but we need to talk.

Lucy: Come in.

Liz enters the house and Lucy leads her into the back courtyard.

Lucy: I hope you understand the secrecy. Vicki's still figuring things out and I'm only trying to protect her.

Liz: Of course, kids are too young to be brought into this

Lucy:: So, what do you need?

Liz: There's been another attack. A female victim, her throat torn out, completely drained of blood. It fits the pattern.

Lucy: I thought you took care of the vampire?

Liz: I'm thinking she must have turned someone. Or multiple someones. I don't know.

Inside the house, Vicki uses her vamp hearing to listen in to their conversation.

Liz: The story for the town is another animal attack but I'm not sure how long we can keep lying to them. The council is in an uproar. We thought we were past this.

Lucy: So, uh, what do we do?

Liz: I was hoping you could help us

Lucy: Of course.

They walk back to the front door.

Liz: Let me know what you come up with

Lucy opens the door for her

Lucy: Absolutely.

Liz walks out of the house as Lucy closes the door. Vicki walks out of the parlor and folds her arms over her chest stomping her foot on the hardwood floor.

Vicki: What's going on?

Lucy: There's a new vampire in town.

Vicki: That's impossible, right?

Lucy: Perhaps not.

Vicki: Who could it be?

Lucy: You are still young and still learning so be careful, okay?

Vicki: Luce, I can take care of myself.

Lucy: I know you can but it's my job to keep you safe, darling.

Vicki: I know and I love you for that but I can look out for myself. I'll be okay.

Lucy smiles pressing her lips to her forehead.


Caroline is on the phone with Lucy holding the vampire compress

Caroline: So what do I do now?

Lucy: Just wait. I'll there in a second

Caroline: Well hurry your sexy ass up. I got things to go

Lucy appears right in front of her, the blonde jumps in fright

Lucy: Okay hand me that

Caroline hands her the compress.

Caroline: Can I go now? This has blown, like, half of my day.

Lucy: Go. I'll see you after I am done, darling.

Caroline: Bye

She leans up and pecks her on the cheek.

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