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Houston, Texas

As the first rays of dawn gently kissed the horizon, I awoke in the stillness of my room, the soft glow of early morning casting a subtle warmth

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As the first rays of dawn gently kissed the horizon, I awoke in the stillness of my room, the soft glow of early morning casting a subtle warmth. The clock on my bedside table read 5:35 am, and with a quiet sigh, I was embracing the promise of a new day.

It had been a few days since my family and I had settled into our new home, the transition made by the unpacking of boxes and the gradual infusion of familiarity into every corner. September's crisp air seeped through the slightly ajar window, carrying the scent of a fresh beginning.

The knowledge shared by my father yesterday lingered in my mind. Kobe and Kacey were students at the same school I was about to attend. The prospect of shared hallways, common classrooms, and the thought of their academic journeys sparked a sense of excitement within me.

As I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, the coolness of the floor meeting the soles of my feet sent a shiver through me. The room was still draped in the quiet hues of early morning. The September morning outside beckoned with the promise of a fresh start, a canvas waiting to be painted with the colors of newfound experiences.

As I go through my morning routine with a sense of purpose, the new familiar rituals take on a new resonance in the context of a new branch. The fragrance of brewing coffee filled the air, mingling with the quiet sounds of awakening in my household.

Walking down the stairs, the soft glow of the kitchen lights I welcomed into a space. A glance at the calendar affirmed the time and season - September, a month that symbolized transition and transformation.

As the morning light spilled through the windows, I couldn't help but carry a spark of nervousness in my heart. The prospect of stepping into a new school, with unfamiliar faces of new people, brought a sense of belonging amid change. The morning held the promise of a fresh start, and I embraced it with a mix of enthusiasm for the opportunities that lay ahead.

The morning unfurls in the solitude of my room, and as I prepare for the day ahead, the sound of water accompanies my thoughts and cleanses my body. The flowing water, a comforting symphony, as I immerse myself in the ritual that marks the beginning of a new day.

Thirty-five minutes pass in the gentle embrace of the shower, a luxury that allows me to gather my thoughts and savor the calmness of my early morning routine. Emerging with dampness, I stand before the mirror, the same for the small yet meaningful artistry of my morning. My hair, I decided to flat iron my hair and quickly curl it and let the curls bounce.

My clothes are a form of expression, and today, I yearn for for comfort. A brown sweatshirt, snug yet soft, paired with sleek black leggings and tan Uggs that cradle my feet in warmth. It's
simple and chic, a reflection of my mood on this early September morning.

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