Chapter Four

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She was overwhelmed by a roller coaster of emotions as she turned the door knob and made her way into the sitting room. She came face to face with her father first, followed by her greatest nightmare, the woman she does not like having any encounter with.

She wanted to smile, or lest Even fake it but the energy to do that has never been in her, even at this moment. She moved towards the couch where her dad sat and found a place next to him, on the floor, like the stranger she is. Good evening sir, she greeted with her eyes on the floor.

The look he sent her way was unpredictable, if only she could see, maybe it would be that of disappointment, or maybe a mixed emotion she can not decipher.

But then she did not look, anyway. Khadijah, came his stern voice, and if there is anything she will never get used to no matter how many times it keeps ringing to her ears, it was that same voice that held not a single bit of softness.

Maybe it did, but not to her ear drums, no matter how numerous the sound keeps repeating itself.

Sir, she replied with her gaze still fixed to the floor. Why is it that you keep getting stubborn as you grow? He questioned, and paused to look at her expressionless face, which remained as though she was not the one being addressed

Are you not the one I am talking to? He asked again, in his calm but stern voice. I am sorry, she added without demanding for explanation and it looks like she did not bother what it was that she did which was the cause of his anger. She has gotten so used to the series of scolding over crimes she did not commit that she no longer gets surprised when confronted. Explaining whether she was guilty or not never helped, so she took it all in and buried it in the deepest abyss of her heart, with a single apology that never held a tinge of sincerity.

Letting out a sigh, he looked at her once again, this time with a different expression. He wondered how his only daughter had become this way,  how they became distant, like strangers living under the same roof.
He knew she was a jovial child, of course not just him but everyone that knew her, but in front of him is a shadow of who she used to be. And no Matter what or how he tried, she just never seem to understand.
Come eat with us, it has been a while we spent time together as a family. He said, this time with his voice soft. He wanted to sound convincing, for he always wondered what it was that changed her. He wants to unravel the mystery hidden behind the mask she chose to wear, and he will do it in all ways possible.

Uhmm, I am full already, I just had dinner. Came her curt reply. He knew this would be the reply, but he still felt disappointed. Sometimes he wonders if giving her space was the best decision, maybe if he had not kept her in a separate space, all these would not have happened.

My daughter does not eat much, and she is quite picky with food. I am sure even if she is to eat with us she will not spend more than a minute and she is also the quiet and shy type. I just hope to see a day when she will become free with me and her sister, just like we used to be, before everything took a turn. The woman, who had been quiet all along, chipped in with a smile on her face which made her earn a scoff from khadijah.

I have some assignments to do, I think I will be going back to my side. Khadijah said and made her attempt to leave without waiting for a reply but the woman was not having any of it.
Oh come on, we all know it is holidays already and it is a long one so you have all the time to do your work, at least spend time with us okay? Stop being a bookworm all the time. She added, Her smile never leaving her face.

Huh, khadijah let out a sigh, she knew she wants to spend time with her dad, even if it would just be an array of silence, but she rather stay chained to her thoughts than be in the company of this woman whose pretence is at its utmost peak.

She made no attempt to sit, but rather remained fixed to her position as she looked towards her father, as though wishing for him to come to her aid.

Sensing the reluctance, He decided to just let her be, even if he did not understand why she had boundaries, especially around this woman who treated her like the mother she lost.
You can go focus on your assignment, if there is anything you do not understand, you can come to me.

I can do it myself, at least it would be better than being in the company of a conniving hypocrite. She said under her breath.

Khadeejah! How dare you say that? He scolded but she said nothing, with her face as unremorseful as ever.
Do not worry Alhaji, I am used to all these, She has said things even worse than this. She is still a child so just sympathise with her. The woman said casually as she tried to convince him.
You are the one spoiling her and overlooking her problems. She needs to learn to treat her elders right. The Least she can do is to treat you with respect because no one can treat her better than you do. All these insults should not be tolerated. He added calmly before turning to face his daughter. Get out of this place before I get even more annoyed.

Okay sir, she replied and left in a hurry and he did not miss the relief that swept across her face, before her petite self disappeared from the living room. Adjusting his glasses, he turned back to the book he was reading before he had the cause to call her.

The morning sun sent its rays down on the capital city of Niger state, Minna, as the city emanated its radiance from all directions.

The citizens all woke up to a rather busy day, with noise buzzing from all directions.
The two hopped into the car, as they both sat at the front, with him positioning himself at the driver’s side.

Looking at them both, they looked similar yet completely different, like two sides of a coin.
He was dressed fully in preparation for work, with a composed and appealing demeanour.
She on the other hand had a look that exuded an overly confident personality, with radiance plastered invisibly across her face.

Bidding the little boy staring at them farewell, with a smile on his face, He ignited and revved the engine to life.
Byeee, the other lady, who had positioned herself at the passenger side, shouted happily, waving at the little boy with her tongue stuck out. It was clear she was teasing the little boy, who looked as though he was about to cry.

Sumayyah! He called out to her before they moved out of the building. Why do you love trouble if I may ask? Can you not see he is a small child? He is just six for goodness sake.

Ya Ibrahim, I was only teasing him, it is nothing serious you know. Turning towards his direction, she tried to speak in defence of what was said.

He looked towards her direction for a brief moment, probably in awe of the way she process her thoughts.
You know you are crazy right? Is this not the worst time to tease Ashraf? You know clearly he wanted to go with us, but you still chose to tease him, at this time.
I am sure you will earn yourself a scolding from mum, just pray he does not end up crying to her. He added, in the most gentle of tones, one would mistake it for being just a conversation.

Ya Ibrahim, she called out laughing. You know I was only kidding, and I will surely compensate him with a snack, or probably take him out. We are inseparable. She added, with her head twirling in a dramatic way.
You will never change, he said smiling. Sometimes I wonder what you derive from getting into trouble all the time.

I am not usually the source of trouble, it finds me wherever I am and when it does, I embrace it with both hands, because why not? Anyone that looks for my trouble probably will end up getting a share back. Letting people get away will only get you trampled upon. She said, laughing all through.

You talk as if you have an experience of being trampled upon by others, when in reality you end up being the one who tramples on others. You know what? You are unbelievable. He added with his laughter echoing through the vehicle.

A moment of silence ensued between them as he remained focused behind the wheel.
Sumayyah sat in the car, scrutinizing the surroundings, as her eyeballs rolled in their sockets.

Ya Ibrahim, a lot have really changed in a couple of years, everything looks so different from how it used to be. She said, her tone depicting seriousness.

It surely has changed. I still remember how scanty these places were, but just take a look at everywhere, shopping malls, boutiques and buildings have occupied the whole place. He agreed with her in a sober tone.

It is scary, isn’t it? How things can change, yet your memories will remain quite acquainted with the past. How certain places remind you of certain people yet they are nowhere to be found in those same places, and when you check, the place itself have been carved into a whole different thing from what constituted your memories. She said, almost talking to herself and he turned his gaze towards her direction, as the traffic sign signified them to come to a halt.

Are you still worried about her? He asked, with concern laced in his voice. Do not worry, we will find them soon. It is just a matter of time.
I hope so. It has been almost a month since we came back and we have not had any information about them and even the house they lived in, the house we lived in too have been turned into something else. She uttered sadly.

You know that is one thing with time, it comes with changes that happen in the course of life, and that is what makes life a mystery itself. You never can tell the changes that come, you can only embrace them.  But do not worry, everything would be fine with time. You will finally have someone you will drag into your troubles. He ended his statement in a playful way, easing the tension that ensued.

I wonder why they never contacted us all this time, it is unlike them to stay quiet for such a long time without communication. I am sure if not because of what happened to us all these would not have happened. She added, with a Sigh.

Everything happens for a reason okay? No need to dwell on the past, just pray you meet your friend soon, who knows maybe you will not even recognize her.

Hearing his last statement, she turned abruptly to look at him, and he burst into a fit of laughter. I Guess you want to fight me over that right? He said still laughing at her impulsive action.

How can you say that I will not recognise her? Even though I have no picture of her now, her face is something I will remember even in my dreams. She added in a defensive tone.
Laughing once more he added, the fact that I always get on your nerves after all the years we have spent together is what I will always find funny. So you can not even differentiate when your lovely brother is teasing you?
I can not wait to see your friend once more, at least you will have a teasing partner and it will look great seeing you both getting on your nerves. Who knows? she might even end up crying like she always does.

I doubt it, she said laughing this time too. But I really would like to see if she will still be affected by your teasing. Imagine seeing her reaction , with those cheeks of hers turning red due to teasing, because I know I will join in the teasing too, after all, trouble is my lifetime companion and she knows it.

Stubborn girl, What benefit do you derive in being a source of trouble that you are even proud of? I just hope you will not land the both of you in trouble after you meet. You know I am a busy man now so I will not always be a saviour when you throw your banters.

Do not worry we will take care of ourselves, she said with the swinging of her head, and seeing her dramatic reaction, they both laughed.
We are in your school already, I hope you will not cause any trouble though, he added with a tone of seriousness.

I do not cause trouble at all, I just can not let myself get bullied. Besides this this a university so I am sure there would be some level of maturity here. But anyone that stands in Sumayyah’s way will be pushed aside, vigorously.

She said dramatically and hopped out of the car laughing. Bye bro, take care of yourself. And without waiting for a reply, she slammed the door and went her way, giving him a wave with her hands. Smiling, he ignited the car once again and made his way to work.

Parking his car in front of the gigantic hospital, he came out and made his way into the building. He passed few places before entering his office and sat on his chair, ready to face the day’s work.

Picking up the telephone attached to his desk, he made a call to the receptionist. Hello, came a female voice. The patients can start coming in. Alright, Dr Ibrahim, came her swift reply before he dropped the phone.

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