Welcome to UA!

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Dazai and Chūya had finally reached the UA. Mori had told them that from that point forward, they would have to stay at the UA dormitories, giving them more time to socialize, explore, and just gather information in general.

As they were walking in, Dazai noticed a green haired boy with freckles thanking  a girl with brown hair who just smiled dumbly at him. Chūya also noticed this but they both chose to ignore them, after all, they were exhausted enough when the day started. Dazai was exhausted since he stayed up gathering a bit of information beforehand while Chūya couldn't sleep cause Dazai kept humming his suicide song while doing it. And even if they weren't so tired, Dazai for one, would've ignored them anyways. They seemed like quite the nuisance.

The two boys quickly waltzed around the corridors until they found a huge door labelled as '1A' this was the class that they had been assigned to. As soon as they opened the door, there was much charter, students taking, sleeping and then, a bit with blonde hair and another one with blue(?) hair arguing "put your legs off the bench! It's disrespectful to the school property!" Shouted the blue haired one while making multiple different hand movements which made it hard for Dazai to focus on what they were saying. "Make me, four eyes!" Shouted the bone one, which immediately reminded Dazai of Elise, from back home. "Gee... Are all blondes loud and annoying...?" he muttered to himself.

He found himself a seat at the back of the class. And depressingly enough, Chūya had sat right next to him. It's not like either could argue about it though, since it would be better to discuss mafia plans and to just ignore the rest of the class in general. And even if they wanted to, they couldn't change seats at this point –– the green haired boy and the girl from earlier had entered the class and filled the remaining empty seats already.

Soon enough, a man who was wrapped in a yellow color... Sleeping bag? Entered the class and stood up straight (while still being in the sleeping bag!). The man introduced himself as Shouts Aizawa –– their homeroom teacher. The students asked him if there would be no welcoming ceremony, Aizawa just explained how they would not be wasting time on such trivial matters such as that. He explained that for their first day, they'll be testing their skills with their 'quirks'. As if this weren't enough, he said that he would expel the person with the lowest score from UA... Which meant they had to pass, otherwise they would have to leave before they actually got the chance to settle in...

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