when you fight together

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"Get the woman!" One of the vikings you were fighting against yelled desperately. Too bad those were his last words as Bjorn came up behind him and shoved him to the ground, before stabbing him through the chest. 

Askeladd laughed as he cut through the men who came to attack him, all of them struggling, desperate to at least get a scratch on the skilled fighter. 

The weaker ones decided to go after you, to try and put a chip through this three person show of fighters by going for who was clearly the weakest one. 

But even you could be trusted to go after weaker men. Sure, your form was smaller than most of them, but you had the agility and the skill to evade their attacks, and jab at them when they least expected it, getting their vitals. 

As you slashed a vikings' neck, Askeladd grinned over at you, proud as he's ever been. A viking showed up seemingly out of nowhere, from behind him, and your eyes widened. You were about to shout but Askeladd had turned around and sliced the mans' chest before you could do anything. 

"Be more careful!" You scolded him. 

Askeladd rolled his eyes playfully, before bringing his sword up to slash at more vikings who were running towards him, ready to fight. 

Not ready to bring down Askeladd, though. 

One more decided to come after you, too initimidated by either Askeladd or Bjorn to fight against them. It would probably be a one sided match anyways. 

You brought up your sword against his axe. Now that was a more terrifying tool, but you could keep your cool up against it. You'd seen worse, after all. Being up against worse was slightly a different story. 

Unfortunately, what made it worse, was the feeling of being hit. 

A sudden wave of nausea hit. 

As your nostrils flared and your body tensed up, the viking seemed to take this small moment as his chance to strike you. You yelped, jumping out of the way just in time but the jumping motion was enough for you to feel the bile rise up. 

You bit your tongue to force it back, but now your mind and body were focused on this horrible feeling. 

Bjorn, less occupied than Askeladd, quickly made his way over to you and sliced the axe yielding viking quickly, from the back of his head down to his back. 

You'd ran off by that time, trying to find a private place in the forest, where you could get rid of this overwhelming need to throw up. 

You didn't think you'd gone that deep in, after all you'd stopped the minute you couldn't hold down the puke anymore, the putrid smell of it filling your nose as you breathed heavily after getting it all out. 

You stayed hunched over for a bit longer, rubbing at your chest to make sure it was all gone. 

Eventually, voices called out for you. 

Askeladd and Bjorn. 

"I'm here!" You called back, your voice hoarse. You cleared your throat before shouting again, repeating yourself. 

You heard them begin to run through the woods, following the sound of your voice. Askeladd was clearly relieved once they'd found you, and he kept his arms open for you to run towards him. He wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tightly, before letting you go and glaring down at you. 

"What the hell happened?!" 

Your eyebrows furrowed. "Why are you yelling at me?" 

"You wanted to fight, but you're clearly not equipped to be out there with us," Askeladd huffed. "I mean, come on, what was that? You get hit a few times and you get nauseous?" 

"I- I didn't get hit," you defended yourself, stepping back. "I just"- 

"That's worse," Askeladd interrupted you, shaking your head, "You threw up without a reason? What was it, seeing the blood?" 

"No!" You exclaimed, your blood beginning to boil at his taunting. "I just wasn't feeling well! Can it not cross your mind that I'm sick or something!" 

Askeladd rolled his eyes. "You're not sick." 

"Saying that doesn't make it true," you grumbled, crossing your arms. 

"As much as I want to let this continue," Bjorn quickly interrupted, before Askeladd could get more words out and make this worse. "Let's head back to the base. There's still some of their crew we didn't kill. They could be heading this way, with all the noise." 

He turned to you. "Do you need a minute or-?" 

"I'm fine," you huffed, turning away and gripping onto your sword. "Let's go." 

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