𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔𝟒

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❤︎︎ 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 ☽☼

A few days had passed since they finished their last mission, and now they were back at their home base, where they would most likely stay for a while

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A few days had passed since they finished their last mission, and now they were back at their home base, where they would most likely stay for a while.

It was usually a few weeks before they got their next assignment. So, for now, everyone was just trying to relax and stay entertained.

Lia opened the door of her room with a smile on her face. She glanced around her room and her expression saddened. "Fuck..." Lia cursed under her breath, she had forgotten that her room was a mess.

Clothes piled up in unorganized stacks all around the room. And the bed hadn't been made since she last came home. There were dishes from various meals scattered around the room and the whole place had a general air of dirtiness and disorder.

Lia let out a sigh, clearly she couldn't stand to leave her room in that kind of mess. She was always very clean and organized, so the current state of her room was a complete embarrassment to her. She would have to clean it up quickly before she could relax.

Lia closed the door of her room behind her and went to work, one of the first issues to clean up was her bed. The sheets were filled with wrinkles and creases, as if she had just fallen out of the bed and left the sheets as they were.

She took the sheets off and threw them into the bathroom to be washed and replaced. She then made her bed up again and folded her sheets. Now the bed was looking like a proper bed again.

Next came the clothes, she gathered up all of the clothes that were scattered around her room and deposited them into the laundry basket.

All of the dirty clothes were placed into the basket and she threw in a load to be washed. Once she finished sorting through the clothes, she took her laundry basket over to the laundry room.

After she had finished with her laundry, she moved onto the next task, picking up all the dishes and taking them to the kitchen.

She placed all the dishes in the sink and turned the water on, washing all the dishes that had been left there after various meals. Once she had finished with that, she took all of the dirty dishes to the cabinet where they belonged.

Finally, she got to the last task, cleaning up any remaining random objects. She started with the various objects that had been left on the tables and counters, picking everything one by one and put them back in their original spots.

Once all of the clutter was removed, she gave the room one last inspection and noticed that her room was now completely clean and organized. She grinned to herself, the room wasn't such an embarrassment anymore.

Her heart nearly jumped out of her chest when someone opened on the door. Lia sighed deeply, walking over to the door and opened it. She gave Naoi a glare, and slapped him arm. "You could've at least knocked!"

Naoi laughed out loud, her reaction was way better than he had expected. He had purposely waited until she had finished cleaning her room before knocking.

He smirked softly as he spoke, his gray eyes twinkling at her jokingly. "Well, I was going to knock, but I wanted to see what kind of reaction I would get. And it was worth it."

She glared at him and grabbed a pillow from her bed to throw it at Naoi. "Oh, I'll give a reaction!"
Lia grabbed another pillow and threw it at him again and again. Naoi laughed out loud, he had to admit that he loved her playful reactions.

She was so quick to get angry and he had gotten exactly what he was looking for. He moved out of the way quickly to dodge the pillows and grabbed one in his own hands. He threw one back at her and grinned widely.

Lia laughed as she avoided his pillow and got ready to throw another one at him. "I hate you and I fuck you!" Her brows furrowed as he smirked at her. "Pause, that's not what I meant!"

Naoi laughed out loud, he was really enjoying this back and forth they were having. It took him a moment to fully process what she had said, she had said something else entirely. He finally stopped laughing and smirked at her. "So, you hate me but you also want to fuck me?"

"Shut up!" She growled and threw a pillow at him on the face. "It's not like that, you wish it was!"
Naoi let out a chuckle and shook his head, he wouldn't admit it, but she was right, he did wish things were like that.

But she wasn't really giving him any hints that she wanted the same thing. So he decided to just let her think what she wanted to think, but he would keep trying to flirt with her until he got something out of her.

He threw a pillow back at her, hoping that she would take that as a sign of flirting. He couldn't deny that he was very into her and he hoped that she would catch on some day. But for now, he was just going to keep teasing her until she finally got the hint.

"Plus," Her lips curled into a small grin as she threw another pillow at him. "I'm in love with someone else."

Naoi froze slightly at her word, he didn't realize just how much it would affect him to hear her say that. But he still tried to keep his cool, she must have been joking. So, he chuckled softly, trying to hide his emotional reaction. "Oh? And who might that be?"

"You probably don't know him." She told him, sitting on her bed with a sigh. "He's a pirate and his name is Roronoa Zoro."

He felt his heart drop, he was beginning to worry that she actually wasn't joking. But he would play along, he wanted to get some more information out of her. "So, this Roronoa Zoro is the man that's stolen your heart? Just how serious are you two?"

"We broke up two weeks ago." Lia said, laying down on the bed, her lips pressing together. "And he's also the father of my baby."

Naoi froze once again at her second revelation. He had not seen that one coming, the man that stole her heart was not only a criminal but also the father of her baby?

That was a lot to process, and it didn't make his chances of winning her over any better. But he would still give it a shot, he would never give up on her.


❥𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝

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❥𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝...

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