Part 1

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Millie Bobby Brown as Belleghra Snow

Belleghra Snow had been Ned Stark's greatest shame, headache and reason for annoyance for as long as she had been alive..... not that she gave a shit about him.

As his only bastard daughter, she was a living reminder that he was drunk and laid with a serving wench of a woman before marriage, who birthed her. A stain on his honor.

Even her mother couldn't look at her without remembering how she was raped, so her grandmother cared for her.

But Ned Stark had to take her in when she was 8 years old, because her grandmother was getting older and weaker and honor dictated that Ned Stark care for the child when her old grandmother couldn't.

Belleghra, by nature, was very confrontational and reacted to insults with even worse insults that offended the other person who insulted her. The servants and Tully guards who came from Riverrun in Catelyn Tully's entourage, learned 3 important things through one of their own men's fate.

1. Never insult Belleghra Snow.
2. If she insults you back and pisses you off, don't attack her, just walk the other way. Also, never insult her mother.... because she's the only one who can insult her.
3. Don't attack her, because she will chop your hand off, and summon a FUCKING DIREWOLF out of nowhere to feed it your hand !!!.

Ned Stark was even more horrified when an Albino Direwolf sprinted into Winterfell, followed by 4 younglings out of nowhere and ate the chopped hand of a Tully guard who cried in agony clutching his arm and trying to stop the bleeding. He was on the roof of his solar, watching it all along with the people on the ground when Belleghra just casually walked off as if she didn't do a bloody thing.

He couldn't even punish the girl whose eyes reflected the cold blizzard of Winter, with even more intensity than his own. His interrogation towards her was met with cold silence. His wife, however, almost always ordered the Tully men to do something and he had to stop them before they would get killed, not that many of them even had the bravery when at the danger of being mauled by a Direwolf or multiple, or suffering Belleghra's wrath firsthand.

The Northmen considered Belleghra blessed by the Old Gods and threw her worshipping gazes, especially seeing her humble nature in doing stable work and cooking while the Trueborn ladies did not even touch a broom.

Where Arya was unladylike and Sansa wasn't, Belleghra was somewhere in the middle.

Belleghra was better than Sansa at sewing and even a better cook while being better than Arya at being patient and not resorting to insults unless provoked and did what she was told to do, unless it came to Catelyn insulting her when she forgot all propriety and thoroughly embarrassed her. Sansa resented Belleghra for her natural beauty while Arya hated her for not having to bear Ladylike responsibilities, but excelling at it more than her.

Her relationship with Ned Stark was distant at best and .... well....


" You dare leave without my permission ?!!! " Ned Stark banged his fist on his desk in his solar.

A 12 year old Belleghra Snow stood in front of him unperturbed and spoke in a cold tone " so I need your permission to cremate my dead grandmother ? ".

Belleghra had gone off to Wintertown to spend time with her grandmother, who was dying.

Belleghra lit her pyre when her mother had also come. The woman couldn't look at her and had her head down with shame.

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