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Game of thrones(⚠️warning spoilers⚠️)

✨'°•How you two met•°'✨

Jon snow:

The Starks organized a party to celebrate the newborn (rickon). The Starks invited several other lords and ladies. Y/n is the daughter of Lord baratheon. The young woman just arrived and she saw Jon Snow outside, she walked towards him wondering the reason he's outside in this cold.
"Hello sir. May I ask why you are outside instead of enjoying the party inside...?" She raises an eyebrow, Jon looks a little surprised but he answers her question "because I'm not a lady."

Robb stark:

Robb was on a war against the Lannisters. a night, when he was planning a plan. his guards bring him a girl, this girl was on the Lannister's side. Robb orders the guard to hold her hostage. the guards put.her on a huge cage.
after some minute Robb comes to talk to her: "I hope you're not going to plan anything against us. Because if you do that, I won't hesitate to kill you." He said coldly, the girl smiled and said "I have hundreds of ideas of how I am going to humiliate you, stark."

Theon greyjoy:

Theon was walking, trying to find Rickon. The little boy went out to play and now theon had to find him. After a few minutes, he saw Rickon with a woman, this woman is a wildling.
She was talking with Rickon, the girl knew that he was a stark. She saw that the little boy have in he's arm some expensive stuff, as a wildling she wanted to steal it. She approached the boy discreetly but when she did someone put a knife around her neck. The person who did was theon, he smirked and said coldly "don't even think about it." But the young girl is very smart, she took out a big rock from her pocket that she has hidden it earlier. The girl hit theon on he's head before running away from him, she shouted at him "better luck next time! stupid!"

Tyrion Lannister:

Y/n worked for Cersei, one day as she was walking on the castle with many stuff on her hands, it's all the dress of Cersei, she didn't see where you was going, y/n heard a voice, she turned her head and see Tyrion "my sister can be annoying right?" He smiled before ask her to help her. She accepted. They talks together for the rest of the walk

Jaime Lannister:

Y/n is Catlyn Tully's closest friend. she made an alliance with her in the war against the Lannisters. When Catlyn was holding Jaime hostage, y/n was there, as night fell, y/n was heading towards her aunt to go to sleep but someone called her name. It was Jaime, he was locked in some sort of cage. "hey, i just wanna know something, why you and your dear friend are wasting my time? Well, I mean, it's not like I was the one who killed Lord Stark."
He laughs, she glared at him, y/n walks towards him and says, "Lord Stark is dead because of the Lannisters, Because of your damn house. And don't think I'm going to tell you what our plan is or why you're being detained. "Of course, my lady" he said sarcastically.

Gendry waters:

before Eddard Stark Die he tells to y/n to take care of Arya, so the 15 year old girl has a big responsibility, she starts by hiding the fact that Arya is a girl, then she does the same thing to herself, she cuts her hair very shortly. She tried her best and it worked, because upon meeting Gendry, he didn't notice that the two were girls.
"You're a guy so learn to fight a little." He teases her but she replies "learn by yourself first" she tells him and he replies "why learn to fight when you are physically strong?" He laughs and nudges her


Y/n was running away from the Lannister guards, she saw Jaqen locked in a cage, he called her and said "a girl should help this man", she stops and looks at him "what..?" "They are coming, a girl should hurry" she thinks for a second, she then understands that he was talking about himself, she rushes to the cage and takes out a key from her pocket and opens it, Jaqen comes out. "A girl should follow the man. Come on." Both escaped the guards. y/n and jaqen tried to get away from them as much as possible.

Sandor clegane:

Y/n is the future wife of joefrey baratheon, she didn't wanted at all to be he's future bride..
One day she was walking next to Joefrey with his guards behind him, Sandor was one of them. Joefrey showed her all the people his guards had killed before. he orders her to look but she looks away from the corpses. Joefrey get annoyed by her stubbornness. the king was so angry that he slapped y/n, which made her nose bleed. Joefrey walked away from her. The guard started to follow him but before Sandor also followed Joefrey he gave her a tissue to wipe the blood "don't show him your weakness" he said before walking away.


One day in the street where Tyrion was threatened by a man, a girl was passing, she saw Tyrion in danger, she quickly pushed the man to take Tyrion's hand and ran away with him but she ran into someone, Bronn .
After that day, Tryion asked you to work with him alongside Bronn. As an advisor but also a protector


After saving Daenerys from someone dangerous, Daenerys wanted to reward her but it was too late because the girl who saved her was already gone, so Daenerys ordered Jorah to find her.
After hours, Jorah found her. she didn't notice him until he said "excuse me my lady, but were you the one who saved our queen..?" Y/n turns to see Jorah, she looks surprised but she replies “yes, it was me”. she smiled a little, Jorah responded with a smile

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