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I clutched onto my handbag, looking at myself in the mirror

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I clutched onto my handbag, looking at myself in the mirror. It was a Sunday morning, and I had to go to church with our families.

For the first time, in maybe a decade.

I was wearing a white sundress, it was long, longer then any dress i've worn. It had these cute little yellow flowers on it, I had decided to pair it with a cream white sweater-cardigan, just so it wouldn't be too... provocative.

I wore some heels that had matched the color of the sweater. It all pulled together nicely.

"You ready?" Tom knocked twice on the door, before cracking it open. I turned on my feet, patting the dress down. Seeing him extend the door further. He was wearing some jeans, less baggy then usual and a white polo button up.

Nothing on his head, just a cross chain underneath the collar of the shirt, some nice sneakers and his usual circular glasses.

"You clean up nice." He complimented.

"You look... very dapper?" I tilted my head a bit, analyzing him. "It's nice, just different." I shrug.

"Okay i'll try not to take offense to that reaction, also one more thing." Tom began to jam his knuckles into his forehead. Annoyed.

"What's wrong?" I questioned.

"Our extended families think this..." He motions to all around us. "Is real." Tom adds on. "Okay, so." I curved my lips, walking up to him.

"So.. act like you know..." He scratched the back of his neck. "Like what?" I quirked a brow up.

"Like... you love me."

"Okay." I shrugged again.


His dad began to shake everyone's hand as we went in, it had to have been nine in the morning, I woke up at seven, which I was not used to.

"Don't you both look very, acceptable." His dad complemented, seeing us come inside.


I decided i'd drop it, and instead shook his hand, making my way inside. I immediately saw my extended family, and Tom's.

There was cousins, nephews, nosy aunts, creepy uncles, you name it!

I held Tom's hand, interlocking my fingers with his you know.... as if we were married?

"Hi sweetie!" My mom chirped, pulling me into a hug, and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "You look lovely! Are you getting along with Tom?"

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