2.2 Returning

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*2 months later*

Everyone is finally feeling normal and we're able to do stuff

I can finally return to work and hockey

Speaking of hockey, I have my first game today

Anyway, I walk into work and everyone is greeting me with its nice to have you back and all those messages

I go sit down and start to do work when my boss comes into my office

"How's the kids?" He asks

"They're fine now, I stayed an extra week just in case but they are fine" I say

"That's good to hear, may I know what happened for all of their.. uh.. injuries?" He asks

"Yeah so Maxon was playing a hockey game in PE when someone swung their stick upwards and it hit him in the pinky finger and broke it, Taydon had food poisoning from the school lunch, Leon had pseudomonas aeruginosa from playing in dirt with germs, and Zion broke his arm because he was standing on top of something and as he fell he hit it on the storage box and then when he tried to save his fall he broke it even more" I say

"Wow, that's crazy how all those things happened on the same day" he says

"Yeah, also, I may have to leave work like 5 minutes early because I have my first hockey game after caring for my kids" I say

"That's fine, hope you do well!" He says while walking out

A couple hours later I leave work, I go and pick up the kids and go home, I make food and then wait for Aurora to get home

She gets home and we all load up and go the hockey game

I didn't tell anybody I was coming besides my coach

I skate over to my team and steal the puck from my team and score


"GUYS THATS GREY!" Jackson yells

I take off my helmet and smile and they all yell and stuff

They are saying stuff but I can't understand them

We start the game and I score first

I do the thing and spell out Holts in sign language with my arm in the air and point to my family

I score the next two points and I do the same thing

Theo, Mylo, Noah, and Oliver all score before I score 3 more points and do my thing

The other team finally scores 4 times and the final score is 10-4

We shake hands and stuff but both teams end up staying on the ice because the announcer says, "We will now allow you to bring your siblings, significant other, children or anybody else onto the ice for a bit"

I take all my children and Aurora onto the ice and skate with them

After the announcements come on and say that the skate time is over, I stay on the ice with my team and run a few moves on them but then another player from the other team comes over to me

"Hey dude, respects for scoring 6 out of your 10 points, saw that in the skate part you had 5 people near you, who were they of you don't mind me asking" he says

"Thanks dude, 4 of them are my kids and the other one is my wife, If you saw after every time I scored I did something with my hand, I was spelling out my last name plural cause they made it plural by coming into my life" I say

"Damn, good for you, how long you been together for?" he asks

(At this moment in the story it is the year 2033 so don't mind anything weird lol)

"13 years" I say

"Damn, for marriage?" He asks

"Nah dating plus marriage" I say

"How long have you known her?" He asks

I think about it and remember I first met her in 2008

"Since 2008, so 25 years I think" I say

"My man, y'all are fucking soulmates" he says

I laugh

"Yeah, haven't played hockey in 2 months though, all my kids had something going on, my oldest broke his finger, my 2nd had food poisoning, my 3rd had something that I can't pronounce but he was coughing up blood, and my youngest broke his arm" I say

"2 months!? I thought you have been training all day every day for the past 16 years" he says

I laugh and say

"Close, but I take a lot of breaks for work, to care for my kids, and other stuff that goes on"

"You work while your talent is better then some NHL players? That's insane" he says

Aurora then skates up to me and says

"We talking to other people now?"

We all laugh and talk for a bit more before he get our phone numbers since he has a kid that could hang out with ours

I then go over to my kids and pick them up and hug them one by one and then I hug and kiss Aurora like I always do

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