Chapter 12: monicas due date

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Monica is now 9 months pregnant and it is her due date.

(Everyone is at central perk)
Monica: I can't believe today is my due date!
Chandler: I know it feels like it's gone so quick.
Joey: yeah it felt like yesturday when you told us and Ross started to look like those little guys from snorks.
(Ross looks at joey with a stern look and joey just laughs at him)
Rachel: yeah I'm looking forward to meeting little Danny.
Monica: (while she rubs her stomach) me too (she smiles)
(Chandler smiles at her)
Phoebe: so when is the little girl comming?
Chandler: Phoebe it's a boy.
Phoebe: ohh, potato, potahto
Monica: anyway HE could come anytime from now actually.
Phoebe: ok cool (she sips her coffee)

(Later on Monica and Joey are sat in the couch and chair area in their apartment)
Joey: hey when the baby comes is chandler gonnna move in? (He says this sad because he doesn't want chandler to leave)
Monica: what? No everyone would know then and chandler doesn't want that.
Joey: then how are you gonna manage and raise the baby living in different places.
Monica: he's right across the hall and we can sneak around like we have been so far until we are ready.
Joey: oh ok
Monica: to be honest I wish everyone knew because I can see how much it hurts him when we are all together and we are talking about Danny and he can't talk about him like he's the dad.
Joey: yeah well at least when he is here that's all you will think about.
Monica: yeah I can't wait anyway I'm gonna head to bed because I'm so tired.
Joey: ok I'll see you in the morning night mon
Monica: night (she walks into her bedroom to find chandler unexpectedly)
Chandler: hey (he smiles sweetly)
Monica: (she smiles and walks up to him) hey honey what are you doing here? (She laughs softly)
Chandler: Well I was just lonely so I thought (he laughs a bit) I would you know come see you.
Monica: aww thanks your so great (chandlers already knelt on the bed and Monica reaches over and kisses him and as they are kissing they lie down)
Monica: Right I'm going to get some sleep I'm really tired and Dan has been kicking like crazy (she laughs a little)
Chandler: ok me too
(They lie down)
(A bit later Monica is still tossing and turning trying to sleep)
Chandler: babe what's wrong
Monica: I just can't get comfortable he keeps kicking and wherever I lie Daniel is either lying on my bladder or on my lungs it's so annoying.
Chandler: oh I'm sorry can I do anything?
Monica: hmm yeah you can actually.
(She puts one leg over chandler and one leg under with her stomach pressed up against him a bit on top of him actually and her head lying on his chest with chandlers arm round her back)
Chandler: (he laughs) any better (sarcastically) for you?
Monica: yeah much better (she smiles and shuts her eyes)
Chandler: ok ( he laughs gently and shuts his eyes while hugging Monica. He would do anything for her even if it meant he didn't sleep all night but to be helpmeet he was kinda comfortable but he just likes to tease Monica for humour)

(The next morning chandler wakes up and Monica is still asleep)
Chandler: (he strokes Monica's hair and waits for her to wake up as he is literally buried under her)

(A bit later Monica starts to wake up and as she opens her eyes she sees chandler half asleep stroking her hair but with his eyes shut)
Monica: Morning chandler (she smiles)
Chandler: Oh honey you're awake! I was going to make breakfast but (he looks down to see Monica's stomach completely on top of his)
The baby is literally on top of me.
Monica: Haha it's ok I'll get up and make it (she sits up but stops and looks down)
Chandler: (he walks round the side of the bed) mon are you ok?
Monica: yeah Dan is just really kicking bad but I'm ok (she goes to stand up)
Chandler: (he's still looking worried and he's nervous in general because he doesn't know what to do overall I mean, He is getting more nervous about the baby coming and worrying if he was going to be a good Dad as he didn't really have one growing up and he wanted to beat for his son, but he goes to help her standup)
Monica: thanks babe (she waddles out of the bedroom)
Chandler: (a bit wobbly) y-yeah that's ok (he stops in the bedroom sits on the bed and Scratches his head but then he walks out of the bedroom and sits at the dining room table)
Monica: I'm making pancakes is that ok?
Chandler: (still in his own world not thinking) yeah yeah that's th- that's good.
Monica: (she realises he's not looking at her a lot and he's not focused) chandler are you ok you've been acting funny this morning.
Chandler: ( he lies) oh yeah I'm fine just (he laughs softly) tired that's all.

(A bit later Monica chandler and Joey are in the coffee house)
Monica: (she looks at her watch) oh I gotta go
Chandler: ok mon see you later
Joey: what where are you going
Monica: I have to go to lunch with my old friend she is kinda annoying but she sells the best cupcakes so I thought what the hell it's for a good cause
Chandler: (he laughs)
Joey: ok mon, can you get me some?
Moncia:(she laughs) I'll try.
( Monica leaves and chandler still looks a bit down)
Joey: hey man are you alright?
Chandler: yeah
Joey: are you sure you can tell me you know I won't tell anyone.
Chandler: ok fine I'm totally freaking out about the baby
Joey: what? Why you've been so good these past 9 months and you have said you have looked after loads of kids before and you're good with kids?
Chandler: I know but what about when Monica goes into labour what if I'm not helping her and I'm scared for her and also this would be my kid my own kid that's a lot of responsibility.
Joey: I know but think about the actual thing your going to have a little boy and that's all that matters and you better not leave Monica on her own and you better not tell her what your feeling.
Chandler: I know I won't do that to Monica I'm just getting nervous what if I'm not a good dad wouldn't that be worse?
Joey: you will be a good dad you just have to learn and when dan comes you will learn how to be a good dad.
Chandler: but monica is already there she's always been a mother, just without a baby.
Joey: I know but that means she can help you with the baby your gonna be great I promise and we are all here to help Monica anyway cuz everyone thinks you know, she's on her own and anyway you two are gonna be so good.
Chandler: ok (he starts to smile and get a bit excited) yeah thanks Joe.

Monica and Chandler got pregnant in London.Where stories live. Discover now