Chapter 19: I hate you

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Hii im back I know I'm getting like no read but it's fine I'm still gonna write I'm planning on something which would take a while but it's alright I'm not quite sure what I'm gonna do up to then but I'll think of sm dww:) xx

Daniel is now 2 months old. Monica was getting ready for work and Chandler was in his apartment eating some cereal. Chandler didn't t have work today which he was really happy about since he could hang out with Daniel all day if no one took him off him. He didn't have much time with Daniel since he had to sneak around so he loved the days where he wasn't on work. Chandler walks over to Monica and Rachel's apartment with just some casual clothes on.

Monica walks out in her formal clothes ready for work holding Daniel with one arm with a stressed look on her face. She lifts her head up to see Chandler and a smile immediately appears onto her face. "Aww hey babe," she said quickly walking up to him kissing him making sure not to squash Daniel. "Morning mon," he said sweetly. "I have to go to work, you ok to watch Dan till I get back?" Monica said trying to put her earrings in with one arm and struggling. "Yeah of course also here lemme take him while you put in your earrings," he said putting his hands out and gently scooping him up from Monica's arms, supporting his head and cradling him in his right arm, his left arm free. Daniel fussed a bit but settled in Chandlers arm.

10 minutes later. "Right I better go, bye honey," she said giving him a quick peck on the lips while chandler bounced Daniel. "Bye Mon, see you later," he said, his eye then going back to the paper he was reading, still bouncing Daniel in one arm. "Bye Danny," she kisses her fingers and put her fingers gently on his forehead and then made her way out of the door.

10 minutes pass and chandler finishes his toast and he finishes reading the paper. He stands and goes to sit on the couch. Daniel starts to fuss and cry a bit. "Oh buddy are you alright?" Chandler says. He lifts him up by his arm pits and brings him close and smells him. "Yeah that definitely needs changing, how fun for me," he says sarcastically with a sarcastic smile. He put him back in a cradle position and walked to the bathroom. He placed Daniel on the changing mat and changed his diaper. He then picked him up as he was more calm but he was still fussing a bit. "Shhh shhh it's ok kiddo," he drapes him into a cradle position in his arms and Daniel stops fussing.

At Monica's restaurant Monica is working when it comes to the end of her shift she stops cooking and she takes off her apron and walks out the door to see Richard standing in the line. "Richard?" She said walking toward him. "Hey Monica! Since when did you work here?" He said looking at her. "I got the job as head chef a few months ago," she said smiling at him. "Ohh congratulations Mon that's great!" He said. "Hey, I've got nothing to do wanna go out for a bite to eat?" He added. She thought about this, Chandler would be ok watching Daniel but would he be ok if she had lunch with him? Yeahh he will be fine. "Ok, sure!" She said excitedly walking out of her restaurant.

They came up to a restaurant and they walked in. They grabbed a table. "So Monica how are you?"
Richard asked. "Yeah I'm good, I actually just had a son." Richard's heart broke a little but he had to act cool. "Oh really? Th-that's great for you what's his name?" Richard asked hesitantly. "He's called Daniel, he's 2 months old now actually," Monica said smiling. They talked for a long time just catching up and talking.

Back at the apartment Daniel had woken up and Chandler was holding him at the dinning room table while he read his book. Rachel then walked in "Hey Mon! I go-," She said, but stopping when she saw chandler there. "Chandler?! Why have you got Daniel?" She said taking him from his arms. Chandler sighed, he hated when his friends would take Daniel off him like he wasn't his son, they would do this a lot because they didn't think he could look after a baby. "Uh, uh I was just watching him since Monica is at work," he said. "Well shouldn't she be back by now?" She said cradling Daniel and coming to sit down. "Yeah that's what I thought but she has probably got caught up or something." Chandler said. "Yeah probably," Rachel said.

<Monicas POV>
Richard and I were still at lunch together, but to be honest I would way rather be at home with Daniel and Chandler. I don't feel anything with Richard anymore. I've been here for 2 hours and I just wanna go.

Richard payed for the bill. "Thank you, I'll pay you back," Monica said smiling. "Oh no don't worry it's on me," Richard said. "Ok well I had a great time I'll see you around," Monica said trying to leave. "Oh, alright then, bye Mon," Richard said down heartedly. She stood up and walked out putting her bag over her shoulder.

She got a cab because it was raining heavily and a few minutes later she arrived back at the apartment and found that just Chandler was there and Daniel was down for a nap.

"Hey Mon, how was work?" Chandler said smiling. "Good actually, I bumped into Richard actually an-" Monica says but is cut off by Chandler. "Richard? W-wh-what about Rich-Richard," he said in a nervous voice. "What's the big deal I just had lunch with him!" Monica said getting frustrated at his reaction. "Yeah it's no big deal, while I was here looking after our SON you were out lunching with hunky mustache man," Chandler said now shouting.

"I can do what I like and it's not your choice," Monica said yelling. "Mon this is different you know how I feel about him," he said yelling. "I didn't know it would be this much of a problem," she shouted. "Yeah right, I'm going," chandler said picking up his coat. "Where?" Monica said, "for a walk or something," Chandler said. He got to the door "wait where is Dan?" Monica asked. "I put him down for a nap a half hour ago while YOU were still with Richard," he yelled and slammed the door right after he said Richard.

<Monicas POV>
I immediately started to cry when Chandler left. I feel so bad that I have created such a problem but he shouldn't have done that. I hate him! I hate him! Well I don't hate him, I love him but ugh I just hate him right now! Why would he do that! It was just a lunch it was no big deal. I walked into my bedroom and lay on my bed silently crying so I wouldn't wake Daniel up from his evening nap. I cried on the bed thinking about this.

<Chandlers POV>
I walked out into the pouring rain and walked on the sidewalk. I can't believe Monica would do that she knows how I feel about him, and she didn't tell me before, I just can't believe her. I know I'm not to his standard and I don't have a moustache blah blah blah but shouldn't she be loyal?

<No ones POV>
Monica stayed crying on the couch now and Chandler started to realize that maybe she was just having lunch with him. He felt bad so he went to go and apologize.

He walked up the stairs soaking and before ehe when tin he heard Monica sobbing on the couch and he went in. "Mon, I'm sorry I shouldn't have left before you explained," he said walking over to crying Monica. "Chandler, I didn't even wanna have lunch with him I just wanted to come home and see you." She said still crying. Chandler sat down on the couch next to her and hugged her.

"I know I'm sorry I-i just worry sometimes . Monica knew how insecure he was in their relationship but still got annoyed. Chandler leant in and kissed her softly and she kissed him back. His hair dropped over his face, dripping wet but ruffles up.

She slowly went over him and started kissing him. Chandler could hear her still sobbing a little . "Mon, what's wrong?" He said pulling away softly. "I.. I hate you, I hate you I just hate y-" she said but cut off by Chandler kissing her softly then pulling away. "I hate you too," he said smiling and kissing her passionately. She wrapped her arms round his neck and rolled on top of him kissing him still. He had his arms round her waist and they kissed and hugged together for a while.

Monica and Chandler got pregnant in London.Where stories live. Discover now