Part 15

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At the party.

I look over the balcony at the sky and how dark it is while thinking and hoping that Kate turns up because I need to know the truth. Peter walks up to me all bubbly "hey Grace you okay?" I turn my head and smiles at him "of course Pete where's Tony? Your not with him?" Peter leans on the balcony and hands me some wine because he knows I like to drink sometimes when I'm stressed "I was with him but I saw you looking all down and stuff I wanted to check up on how you are and I brought you wine because I know how it helps you anddddd I also got you someeee chocolate" Peter pulls it out his suit jacket pocket and hands it to me smiling, I chuckle at him then hugs him tightly "thank you so much Peter and I don't understand why you would do this after what I've done?" Peter pulls away from the hug and puts his arm around my shoulder for a side hug "because I will always love you and care for you the same way I always did and you deserve happiness even though it's not with me" I smile while looking into his eyes, he looks at me and kisses my cheek before walking away back to Tony, I turn back around looking at the sky and drinks some of the wine Peter gave me and puts the chocolate in my purse before I feel someone put their hand on mine stopping me from closing my purse I turn and sees Kate in an all black suit with her blue eyes looking deep into mine "you didn't think I wouldn't come to the party right?" I shake my head slowly while my eyes are stuck with hers, she holds my hand pulling me to a more private place for just me and her.

She closes the door and looks at me "I'm so so sorry for what I did Grace" I start to fight the urge to just kiss her right now from how close our faces are "Kate I need the truth it's either you tell me now or never" Kate gulps and puts her head down like she's tryna stop me from seeing her teary eyes but I hold her face to make her look at me "Grace I-...I- em..." she starts to choke on some tears coming "Kate please just tell me please" Kate looks up at me "I kissed your brother...but it was mistake! I was drunk and he was high! But he kissed me first I pulled away I promise! I just felt so guilty after it..." I just move my hands off her and backs away one step like I'm about to fall and just feels the most painful feeling in my stomach like it just dropped of how much I'm broken by this " brother? I- wow...I have just one more question" Kate nods really quickly "why did you get drunk with my brother even there?...." I sigh just tryna find out the true story so I can just move this all behind us "I was stressed out and worried about you because I didn't know how I should comfort you because of what happened with your dad and I wanted to help I really did but I couldn't and JJ was just there with me all the time and he was always hanging out with me and I just got drunk one night and he came in my room while high and stuff..." I nod slowly looking down at the floor thinking all about what she told me before Peter walks into the room and sees me and her "Grace? Are you okay!?" He runs over to me and holds my face seeing the tears in my eyes "what happened Kate!" Kate just shakes her head with tears in her eyes "I'm so sorry Grace..." I look up at her and nods slowly before walking out with Peter leaving Kate by herself in the room.

After the party walking home.

I start to walk home by myself thinking all about what Kate told me and how broken I am over it, Peter offered to take me home but I preferred to walk alone to get my thoughts all together and to think about what decisions I'll be making over what's happened. I was walking down this one street and some guy started to whistle at me and I got a bit scared.


I felt him come up behind me and grabbed my wrist touching my left breast with his hand I tried to get off his grip but he start to choke me causing me to stop breathing "s-stop p-please h-help m-me!" He punched me and dragged me into this alley and started to touch all over my body and pulling off my dress but then someone came over and kicked him straight in the head causing him to get knocked out the shoots him straight in the head "you okay princess!?" Wait...Princess? Kate? I look up and sees Kate and starts to cry my eyes out, she bends down and pulls me into a tight hug and kisses my head "shhh...I got you's okay come on I'll take you home shhh" Kate lifts me up keeping me in her arms and grabs my purse what was on the floor before walking out the alley and pulls a taxi to the side to take us back to the compound.

At the compound.

I feel Kate bring me into my bedroom and I slowly sit down on my bed with tears in my eyes again and I could just feel myself shaking from how shook up I am, Kate bends down and gets on her knees and holds my hands "do you want me to stay with you? Or I can go if you like?" I look at her and shakes my head "please stay with me...I was so scared..." Kate pulls me into a hug and whispers in my ear "I will kill anyone who touches you Grace please remember that..." I feel my tears fall onto her suits shoulder and breaths into her smelt, she smells like mint and some sort of perfume she uses. We pull away from the hug and Kate lays me down into my bed "would you want me to change you? You can do it yourself if you like?" I nod "c-can you change me p-please" Kate nods and grabs a T-shirt what was hers that I stole and some sweatpants, she walks over to me and slowly removes my dress before putting on the sweatpants, I lift myself up so she can put them on, then she puts the T-shirt on me and then she puts the covers over me "I'm gonna go to the bathroom and change then I'll be right out okay?" I nod at Kate, she walks into the bathroom with some clothes I have of hers and shuts the door.

Kates pov!

I walk into the bathroom and shuts the door before placing my head on the door and lets out the tears I've been holding back. 'I can't believe I didn't walk her home now look what's happened...this is all my fault!' I walk to the bathroom side and looks into the mirror at myself and sees the tears flowing down my face but i take a deep breath and washes my face with some water and gets changed into some sweatpants and T-shirt before taking a deep breath before I walk out. I walk out the bathroom thinking Grace is still awake but she isn't...she's fast asleep In the bed. I walk over to her and gets in the bed, i don't wanna touch her so she doesn't feel uncomfortable so I just lay there but then I feel something it was Grace...she turned around and layed on my chest with her hand wrapped around my waist and her leg over my leg, she slowly whispered to me "I love you Kate..." I sigh in relief "I love you more Grace..." she falls back to sleep while I hold her close to me so she knows she's safe with me in my arms and I would never let anyone hurt her otherwise I'll kill them in the most torturous way possible, just now I want this moment to be like this and her...together falling asleep. I close my eyes and starts to fall asleep knowing she is safe in my arms.

LOVE YOU ALL!!! <33333

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