• Little N X CG Uzi • *Night Terror

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TW! Bullying, Abuse, Nightmares, angst, And slight agere!!

(Btw none of this makes sence to the actual show bc when i started i had only watched episode 1-3 and i have a terrible memory when it comes to important things ... Sorry TwT)

It was around 2am in the morning and N was cuddled up next to Uzi, both intertwined in a hug. As the night progressed N found himself reliving many traumatic events involving him being bullied and constantly abused or insulted by J

(J) -Alright N, can you finally be some what useful for once in your life and actually kill someone!

(N) -I can definitely try my best! 

As N slowly followed J looking down as he began to feel a wave of fear, and guilt wash over him

(N) -uhhh... J... I don't really want to kill anyone. I know your probably gonna hurt me or be upset but, I refuse

N said with a shaky and scared voice as he hugged himself lightly as tears formed in his eyes. the poor boy found himself terrified of what J might think or do.

*J looks at N seeming quite disapointed. N looks up at J as he began shaking.

(N) P-Please don't hurt me J... I-Im sorry... 

N is now on the verge of sobbing in fear and guilt as his legs began to shake a little bit as he grabs his sleeves and is clearly scared

(J)...Wow, i didn't realize i was working with a pathetic toddler...

(N) P-Please dont hurt me... I... I'm sorry... 

N was now in tears and was grabbing his sleeves tightly as he trembled and sobbed

(J) aaaawww, how cute. your just gonna stand there and cry... i don't even need you and if i was allowed to i would just kill you by myself.

(N) I-I.... I'm S-Sorry, J... I-I'm just scared J... I don't like the fact i have to kill everyone...

*J walks closer to N and pushes him to the ground and basically pins over him

(N) Please stop J... P-Please.... PLEASE STOP!! Im...i'm s-scared...

(J) Aaww, you're scawwed? I didn't realize how PATHETIC you are!! 

*J then holds her tail to N's throat

(J) I... I want to just fucking KILL YOU!!

*N begins sobbing and crying a lot as he is in a lot of fear and distress

*J was about to hit N until he woke up-

(N) AH! 

*n was breathing heavily as he slowly sat up as he thought of everything that had happened in his dream

(N)....W-Why does she like hurting me......?

N whispered out loud as Uzi heard him

(Uzi) Hey? N, why are you awake. you okay??

*N realizes he is next to Uzi 

N whimpers as he is afraid from his nightmare, a few light tears formed in his eyes as he hugged Uzi tightly

(uzi) H-Hey... can you tell me what wrong? 

(N) Uhm... I had a really b-bad dream... a-about j... she was hurting me again... i'm sorry...

(Uzi) Hey, you don't need to apolagize, it's okay... i'm not upset with you

*Uzi gently rubbed N's back as he sobbed in her arms

(Uzi) Sssshhh... it's... it's okay now, you're safe...

-small time skip

N had calmed down and was kind of in little space, Uzi noticed and handled it gently since N was very vulnerable in this state

(Uzi) do you feel a little bit small?

(N) *Nods and whimpers slightly*

(Uzi) Hey its okay...

*Uzi gave N his pacifier and he put it into his mouth and suckled on it softly

(Uzi) Better?

(N) *N nods yes as a resonse

N soon fell asleep in Uzi's gentle embrace 

the end, sorry its short 

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