N X V (Human AU)

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TW: Nightmares, abuse, and bed/diaper wetting

It was a cold evening, N had been having nightmares for almost  an entire week, he was constantly being reminded of traumatic events of being hurt and yelled at mostly by J

This caused N to age regress as a coping mechanism. V would often take care of N while he was in little space and offered to help with changing him and helping him fall asleep if he was scared.

V's gentle care helped soothe N whenever he needed reassurance wether it was from him having an accident or even a bad dream.

During This cold night N was cuddled up with V as she wrapped her arm around him in a warm and gentle embrace. V had earlier turned on a night light for N and had also changed him into a diaper as well a giving him a paci to suck on to help soothe him in case of a nightmare

During the coarse of the night V stayed awake mostly  scrolling through her phone. She also noticed that N moved around a lot in his sleep which V found slightly annoying but she never got mad or frustrated with N knowing that he couldn't control it

But around 2am in th morning N started whimpering in his sleep as he shuffled around a tone

V knew he was having a nightmare...
V gently shook N awake not wanting to scare him, as she had her hand just above N's waist she could feel his heavy and intense breathing. She slowly moved her hand to N's chest and felt his rapid heart beat

She shook N gently one last time as he woke up and tears formed in his eyes as he clenched tightly onto V as he cried into her shoulders. V rubbed his back to soothe him but she could feel N's body trembling

"... N? Are you okay..?"

V asked surprisingly worried about N

N remained non-verbal as he was definitely age regressing. V was well aware of this. She rubbed the little boys back as he sobbed. His diaper had become quite soaked, probably due to N wetting himself in the middle of the night. V didn't care, she never did get mad at N when he was in little space. She knows he can't control his bladder or emotions.

As V had her hand on N's diaper which was pulled up to his skinny waist, she felt it squish a little but and it felt very full and warm. and just by looking at it you could tell it was soaked, N pulled down on his shirt a bit to try and hide his wet diaper... He blushed a little bit as he stopped crying but was still whimpering.

"Ssssshhhh.... It's okay N, I promise your safe"

V said reassuringly. N felt better with Vs soothing care.

"There, there, good boy.... Your okay"

V said as N stopped crying mostly and was now calm

"How about we get you changed and I'll put you back to bed?"

N nodded as his response as V gently helped him sit up a bit. She helped him get out of bed as she had him stand up whilst she pulled down his wet diaper

N blushed and whimpered as V did this but he knew she wouldn't harm him in any ways

V soon finished and helped N clean himself up a bit.

"There, all clean... how about we go back to bed okay?"

N nodded still being non verbal. V held his hand and laid N down on his back. She lays down next to him and rubs his back as he falls asleep in a dry diaper and with his paci in his mouth.

He feels the soft blanket against his skin and V's gentle embrace

The end-

Haha! Y'all I thought I was finished with this book. I'm not ⭐️

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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