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The very next day they all went back to Delhi. Hobi and Miya went back to Korea. Everyone forced them to come with them but they refused it saying they have important work there.

In Mehra mansion,

In Mehra mansion,

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MRS. MEHRA- You girl, don't you know how much we were worried for you. Huh (shouted )

Y/N- I'm sorry mom. I thought that you all will scold me and then I have to leave my studies.

MRS. MEHRA- How can you think that we'll leave you in your hard time. Huh !! You are our life y/n.

Y/N- I'm really sorry mom. I thought to tell you but then I thought that you'll get more tensed.

MRS. MEHRA- But y/n-

MR. MEHRA- It's okay y/n's mom. Now she's back. Leave that topic . Hmmm...

MRS. MEHRA- Okay, if you say.....

Y/N- Thanks mom, thanks dad !

MR. OBEROY- Now y/n and all , go to your respective rooms okay. Get some rest.

ALL- Yes !!!

MRS. OBEROY- Naira beta,

NAIRA- Yes mom !

MRS. OBEROY- You're coming with us or you want to stay here.

NAIRA- Mom, I think y/niee needs me, so I think I should stay with her.

Y/N- No need naira ! You go with them.


Y/N- Naira, go with them . I'm okay now. You should spend some time with them now.

MRS. MEHRA- Yes beta, you go . We are here to take care of her.

NAIRA- Okay if you all say. But y/n if you need anything then just call me. Bye

Y/N- Yeah, bye.

Naira went with her parents. Y/n also went for rest to her room. First of all she went to the secret room . She threw all things which makes her to remember her past. Then she arranged her belongings in their places. Now she wrote something in her diary. Then she went to her room . She was in the balcony. Soon Rose come there with tumeric milk.

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