Me and Jasmine walked into the Science room together. The teacher was Mrs.Settani.
I hear she's tough. Said Jasmine.
"Oh god".
We both laughed and walked to the very back corner and sat next to each other.
Is this going to be a problem ladies? Asked Mrs.Settani.
No, no. Jasmine and I laughed.
Okay class your first grade assignments will be with a partner of your choice! You are to only work on the project outside of school. You are to build a life like brain and include all details! Said Mrs.Settani.
"Well that's really dumb.."
Right? What kind of project is this! Jasmine says.
Class was over and the rest of the school day went by. School ended at 2. I had asked Jasmine to come to my house at 3 to work on the project.
It was 2:30 and the door bell rang. It was to early for Jasmine to be here so I walked downstairs to see who it was. Right when I got down the stairs I looked around the corner and saw my brother open the door. On the other side I saw that boy Austin was talking to earlier at school.
"What is he doing here?"
Jade, this is Cameron, Cameron Dallas. He's here to hang out. Said Austin.
Nice to meet you Jade! Said Cameron.
"Umm.. I should get back upstairs.. See ya!"
I looked back to see Cameron staring at me he looked up at my dark brown eyes and winked. I ran upstairs and shut my door. I just stood there for about 10 minutes thinking about Cameron. I really like him but he's my brothers friend. I couldn't take one of Austin's friends, even though he's the most popular guy anyone could meet it wouldn't be hard for him to make a new one.
The doorbell rang again I looked at my phone to check the time. It was 2:55. It must've been Jasmine.
I ran down the stairs and opened the front door. It was Jasmine.Hey!. Said Jasmine.
What's wrong ? Said Jasmine.
"Come here"
I pulled jasmines and ran up the stairs. Austin's room was right across from mine so I was really quiet going to my room so Cameron and Austin didn't here us. I quickly shoved Jasmine in my room and shut the door.
Ouch! What was that all about?
Said Jasmine."Okay so, my brother Austin, brought his friend Cameron over and he's really hot. Anyways he winked at me earlier and I kinda like him."
Oh that's awesome! Said Jasmine.
"That is not awesome! It's my brothers friend! I can't like him."
Wait.. How olds your brother? Said Jasmine.
"Wow. He's 17 I think Cameron is too."
Can I meet him? Said Jasmine.
I opened my door and walked across the hall. I looked at Jasmine and smiled. I nocked on the door and Austin opened it.
What do you want? Austin said.
"I have some one that wants to meet you, Austin this is My friend Jasmine."
Wait so you actually made a friend??!!. Said Austin.
"Shut up and introduce yourself."
Austin looks over at Jasmine and it was like magic. The way their eyes met.
Hey your Jasmine? Said Austin.
Hi.. Um, yeah I am..
Said Jasmine.Well your beautiful!
Said Austin.Thanks your pretty cute yourself. Said Jasmine.
Austin winks and I look over at Cameron and catch him staring at me. He bites his lip and walks over to me he's about Austin's height. I have to look up to look at his face. He gets really close to me and our chests bump into eachother. He grabs my waist.
Do you maybe wanna hang out sometime? Said Cameron.
"Yes, of course!"
Me and Jasmine leave the room and walk over to my room and shut the door behind.
Ya know, it would be cool if I dated your brother and you dated Cameron. They're best friends. We're best friends. It's perfect! Said Jasmine.
"Don't get too excited."
I laughed. I guess it would be cool if I got to date Cameron and Jasmine dated Austin. I was really exited that Jasmine called me her best friend. I didn't want to make a big deal about it so I just went with it.
Well I should go. It was nice to hang out with you! I'll see you at school tomorrow morning?. Said Jasmine.
"Yes. I'll be there. You should come spend the night Friday!. Austin will be here." I smirked.
I"ll be here at 4. Said Jasmine.
She walked out at the same time as Cameron. I hugged Cameron and Jasmine and so did Austin. They went out the door and I shut it.
"Sooo.. What'd you think about Jasmine?"
I really like her.. I'm thinking about asking her out. Said Austin.
"Good because she likes you too. And she's coming over Friday at 4!"
Really this Friday? So is Cameron. I know you like him it's clear. But it just so happens that your all he talks about. Said Austin.
"Yes the day after tomorrow? He likes me?"
Yup. He saw you at lunch today. He was like "bruhh look at that girl! Isn't she hot" and I said "uhh that my sister." So he came over today to ask you out. Said Austin.
I went back to my room and fell to my bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I woke up to my alarm clock the next day and I checked my phone and saw I got a call from my school. It said there was no school today or tomorrow. I walked downstairs to get breakfast and my brother was down there eating pancakes my mom made before she went to work. I sat down and began to eat what was left.
"What's up?"
Not much, Cameron's coming over today at 12pm, and staying till Wednesday.. His parents are out of town so he's staying here. You should invite Jasmine to stay till then too so it's not all awkward for you. Said Austin.
"Yeah sure! I'll ask her."
I finished my pancakes and walked upstairs. I called Jasmine.

California Love (Cameron Dallas)
RomanceJade and her brother, Austin lived a tough life in South Dakota with a cause of there parents getting divorced. Jade and Austin where forced to move to California with their mother. Jade doesn't make friends to easily, while Austin is the most popul...