Shes A Mermaid

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"He what!?" Rachel screamed as I told her the lovley story of how Drake spent the night on my lawn.

"Yup," I said popping the p and then rolled my eyes.

"Wait, Lilly how do you go one day not knowing the most popular guy at school to getting him to sleep on your lawn !!! And that was after he said he could show you what its like to love!!" Rachel basically screamed in my ear.

She was clearly freaking out at this point. I had told her the whole story. From when Drake had approached me at my locker all the way to this morning where he interrupted my sleep.

"I don't know Rachel it just happened" I told her flailing my arms in the air.

"So your not going on a date with him?" She responds.

"No Rachel he's all yours"

"Eww gross! I don't like him Lilly I'm just wondering why you would give up this opportunity."

"Because Rach you know what he does , he humps and dumps. That's all."

"But what if your the one who changes his "ways" "

"Oh god Rach you're reading way too much Wattpad books" I raised my eyebrow.

"Oh shut up! Why don't you just give him a shot !" She suggested.

"Because he's Drake Stone! Biggest player of all time! Why would I wanna go out with him?"
I screamed in frustration.

"Well, because taking risks is a great thing, sometimes you may get hurt sometimes you won't , but either way you can still look at Drake and say , "yeah I tapped that"

I mentally face palmed myself, I thought she was giving me a heart felt speech but no I guess talking about hooking up with guys is sentimental for her.

"Oh my god Rachel what am I gonna do with you" I told her shaking my head.

"Whatever its your loss."

"Yeah, "loss"" I said sarcastically.

"So what do you wanna do?" She asked.

"Let's go watch a movie on Netfix"

I told her as we went to her bedroom.

You guys are probably wondering how its even possible for me to be here when I'm grounded, well funny story I may or may not have told my mom that I had to go to the library to study. After she said no to that I calmly went upstairs to my room and tried to climb out of my window.

Key word ,tried. I actually almost succeeded , until someone decided it would be cool to call me and that had distracted me making my hand slip,and causing me to tumble off the side of my house and fall onto my perfectly mowed lawn.

Luckily no one seen and I made it to Rachel's house safe and sound, and that brings us to the present.

While we both jumped onto her bed we were thinking of what movie we should watch.

"How about A Walk To Remember?" Rachel asked me

"Nahh to cliche."

"Nah to cliche." She mimmicks me.

"Shut up!" I told her throwing a pillow at her.

"What about, Magic Mike?" I told her smiling widely, giving her the look.

She nods vigorously, " Oh Mint chocolate chips , yes! Of course I wanna watch my sexy ass husband dance on a stage, half naked, while I imagine him doing things to me." She said biting her lip , clearly talking about Channing.

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