Author's Note: Welcome back Folks! I hope you are enjoying the book so far. No more lemons from here onwards! Lots of humor packed in this! Hope you Enjoy!
The Song of The Chapter is... "Deer in Headlights" by SiaJust as the morning arrived at Ninjago,
Pixal woke up and made breakfast.
She had to let Gemma know that she will be leaving because she needs to attend something with the Ninja.
She stretches her back,
She was sleeping in a weird position last night and it could be because she was sitting on the couch clinging onto Gemma the entire time.
She had the weirdest smell of ashes and colonge,
It was strange from how she never wore perfume and instead wore that.
She soon saw Gemma waking up and she soon head to the table,
"Hey! You woke up before me!" She complains.
"I think you know that I am a Samurai and I am always on alert so it is easy for me to wake up" Pixal says.
Gemma chuckles and then sits down as breakfast was served,
"Had a good sleep last night" She says,
"Explains it!" Pixal says,
"Yeah dreamed of my girlfriend and I "doing it" Gemma says with a laugh.
"A bit gross" Pixal says,
"No I wasn't kidding, we were "doing it" in the bath" She says.
"Gemma! Not now!" Pixal says as she felt her stomach going sick,
"What? I bet you and your boyfriend, Zane will one day "do it" for sure!" Gemma jokes and Pixal gets up and then starts making throwing up noises.
"Oh Gemma that is so gross and Zane would never!!!! WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!" Pixal yells and Gemma just laughs loudly.
As the 2 finished breakfast, Gemma dropped Pixal off to the monastery and decided to have some time to herself.
Her boss said that today would be a good day for a break,
Gemma deicded to walk around Ninjago City for a while with Pixal.
Yes! They decided to have a day out,
They decided to get some Boba Tea.
Gemma decided to get the one that is Trending which was Tropical Twist,
Pixal just got a Fruit Tea which was a Lemon Tea with Mango Popping Balls.
As they had a walk around, they stopped by a place to sit,
Just as Pixal took a small sip of her tea, she felt Gemma pulling her close.
It was getting cold and Pixal soon leaned her head on her shoulder and sighed,
Without even thinking, Gemma soon gave a soft kiss on Pixal's head.
She soon stumbles and then fell of the bench,
"What was that for?!" Pixal questions.
Gemma laughs,
"Nothing! Just wanted to give my love for my sister" She says.
Pixal sighs and then smiles,
She gets up and then sits back down with Gemma.
Her arm soon beeps and she noticed that she got a message from Lloyd to come back home.
"Gemma I have to go" She says,
"It's okay, do you want me to walk you home or can you handle yourself?" Gemma questions.
"I can handle myself and plus we will see each other tomorrow, right?" Pixal says,
"Yeah, See ya!" She says and Pixal soon leaves,
Gemma soon got up after a few minutes and decided to head back home.
As she head back she heard something smash and suddenly her vision goes black.
Back at the monestray, The Ninja were watching a movie,
Pixal decided to make some hot chocolate and the ninja wanted to try the way Zane does it so Zane had to join her in making it.
The way Zane makes it is,
First, grabbing 7 mugs and filling them with hot chocolate mix,
Second, Pouring Steaming hot Milk.
Third, Stirring it together.
Fourth, Adding Whipped Cream on top!
And Fifth, adding the ninja's favourite toppings.
Kai normally liked sprinkles and marshmallows,
Cole likes chocolate sauce on top and marshmallows,
Nya likes a small scoop of ice cream with sprinkles,
Zane just likes some sprinkles along with a candy cane.
Pixal likes sprinkles and a candy cane and a dollop of Nutella,
And Lastly Jay just puts his toppings on himself because he likes to have his Hot Chocolate with chocolate sauce, sprinkles, lots of candy canes, big scoops of ice cream and Nutella and more chocolate sweets!
As Pixal mixes the hot chocolate mix with the hot milk in one mug, she felt a pang of pain on her head.
Pixal soon groaned and held her head in pain,
"Are you alright?" Zane questions her.
"Y-Yeah, it's just a headache" She says with a smile,
"Do you need water? Or is there anything I can do to help you?" Zane questions.
"Maybe some water should do" She says,
Zane smiles and later gives her some.
But during the night when the ninja were all doing their night routine after they watched a movie, Pixal was feeling so sick.
She was wondering why,
She could feel thoughts of throwing up filling her head but she had to swallow the thought.
During the night Lloyd heard a creak, a loud one and called the ninja for an emergency meeting.
As the group sat in the living room, Lloyd discussed a problem,
"The Monestary Doors were opened and I fear something supernatural might have got in" He explains.
"But ghosts wouldn't be haunting the place when it rains at night, ghosts hate the water!"
"It cannot be"
"Unless the doors aren't locked properly"
"Everyone! Settle down! I might have a look out tomorrow night for proof" Zane says.
Everyone sighs and goes back to bed, wondering about the haunting ghost.
But was it a ghost????
Author's Note: Hey Guys, Sorry if I took a while! I am quite busy (even though I have the Winter Holidays LOL) So Happy New Year! Even though it is 24 hours early, but it will be 2024 soon! I might publish a Sweet Angst and Fluffy Pixane Oneshot! See Ya!!!

The Soldier and The Samurai
FanfictionHey Guys! What If Pixal and Gemma Met Much Earlier? An Enemy has broken out and She is out for Revenge, the Investigation has been assigned to a Group of Soldiers, But One has been assigned to capture the Samurai who may know information about the e...