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I woke up, in an empty bed

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I woke up, in an empty bed.

"Tom?" I sat up, bringing my knees up to my chin. Seeing a small rainbow shining through his window. Maybe he's in the bathroom?

I got up, knocking on his bathroom door. No response, I put on my slippers running down the stairs, kitchen, nothing, living room, nothing.

I ran back up to his room, noticing his ring was placed perfectly on his dresser, he took it off.

I went to my room, grabbing my phone. He really left me, I knew I shouldn't dwell on it because, we're not actually together, but...

Our kiss, it felt so intimate. Was he just kissing me because he felt bad? Or because he wanted to? I felt like wanting to cry, but why should I?

He's not your boyfriend Liv.

No, but he is my husband.

You're not together though. I know that, but I just thought... actually, i'm not sure what I thought.

I texted Cherry, to come over. Maybe i'll check instagram? Maybe he posted where he is? I went to his page, nothing was posted recently.

I go to the bathroom, brushing through any knots I had developed while sleeping. I put the hair brush down, taking my tooth brush out and placing some toothpaste on it.

I usually shower every night, I wasn't one to sweat while I was sleeping, how do you shower in the morning and go to bed being dirty?

I didn't get it.

After finishing up everything in the bathroom, Cherry was here within no time, this house was actually closer to hers, then my old one, which was definitely convenient.

I was still caught up in my thoughts, feeling like absolute shit. Why would he just leave like that? Not even a text, or a note?

He always told me when he was going out, or that he was leaving. And after when he came back he would spend time with me.

He just left.

I ran downstairs again, opening the door for Cherry. "Where's Tom?" She asked, taking her shoes off. "Wish I knew." I frowned, walking over to the large sectional sofa.

"What do you mean?" She walked over, sitting next to me. "I slept in his bed last night, and he just left." I shrugged, staring ahead.

Her eyes widened. "Do you mean...?" Cherry raised a brow, I shook my head. "No, but... I slept in his arms and- and I kissed him." I sniffled, a heart string tugging as I talked about it.

"He just left." I turned my head to look at her, feeling the tears brimming my eyes.

"Did he send you a text? Anything?" She questioned. All I could do was just shake my head, if I talked, i'd cry, and I didn't want to.

Yet somehow, the tears still started to stream down my face. "He was so sweet, and we didn't even make out, it was just a long kiss. It felt so... intimate." I wiped a tear, away.

Cherry's arms closed around my shoulders, as she rested her chin on one of them. "Maybe... it's a misunderstanding?" She tried to reason.

"He's with a girl."

"How do you know?" Cherry questioned me. "He took his ring off, he doesn't go out without his ring, unless he's with a girl." I explained.

"Did you check his instagram? Maybe he's with his friends, who don't know about it." She suggested. I started to sulk. "I already checked his instagram, and he hasn't posted anything. He's with a girl." I repeated.

I suddenly heard keys going through the door knob, I wiped my tears away. Sitting up. "Act natural!" I whisper yelled.

"Natural, what's natural?!" She whispered back. I took her hands off me, quickly sitting criss cross.

He walked in hanging his keys up on the little hook. "Hey." Tom smiled, coming inside.

"Hey." I replied, in a drier tone.

"What are you guys doing?" He questioned, walking over to the couch.

"Just talking, so... where were you!?" I trailed off, then raising my voice, now in a wondering tone. "Just on a date." He shrugged.


Tom goes to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water. "How was your date?" I gritted, a smile. "It was okay, she was kind of obnoxious."

"Wow, cool! So cool!" I said, sarcastically.

"Are you okay, Liv?" Tom cracked open the water. "Oh i'm great, just fantastic! How are you on this fine day?!" I laughed, loudly.

"I'm fine, why?" He began to take his zip up off, placing it on one of the stools, in-front of the kitchen island, I wanted to rip his braids out one by one, and feed them to him at this point.

"Did you tell her?" I remarked. "Tell who what?"

Cherry clutched my arm, knowing I was about to say a snarky comment.

"Oh your date! Did you tell her, you left without telling me?" I placed my hands on my knees. I fix my posture, getting ready for his response.

"No that would be weird, to say on a first date." He laughed, he fucking laughed.

"Oh dear." Cherry put a hand on her forehead, screwing her eyes shut.

"By the way, you're an asshole." I grabbed Cherry's hand, going back upstairs. I went in my room, locking the door shut.

"Why would you say that? You have to act like you don't care!" She complained. "I do care though, and I want him to feel bad!" I defended.
"Liv." She sighed, disappointed.

"Livvy?" He knocked on the door.

Who the fuck is Livvy?

"Do you want me to stay, for this? Or should I go?" She whispered. "I don't care, i'm gonna tell you anyways." I giggled.

"Liv." He jiggled the door handle, I walked up to the door, opening it. "What." I replied, in a bitchy voice. "What's wrong with you?"

What's wrong with me.?

I don't usually pray to God, but God please so help me, from not committing murder today.

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