Luckless Child

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(Author's Note): OK SO WARNING! WARNING! This chapter gets pretty rough and DARK and definitely might be uncomfortable for some. So if that bothers you and you want to skip this one then I understand but YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! The next chapter will be far more pleasant though! So let's begin!


??????: (Y/n)!

??????: (YYYYY/NN)!

??????: (Y/n)!!

??????: (Y/n)!

??????: (Y/N)!!!

??????: Oh (Y/n)~!

I swiftly moved around and throughout the massive palaces within the gigantic complex property of the Bami clan, frantically rushing around to tend to and serve the various Bami Clan families. It had been three weeks since I had been accepted into the clan as a servant, and I had never heard my name called or said more in my entire life!

The phone line that the various family branches used to call the servants was constantly ringing off the hook. So many requests, orders, and full demands. I faithfully served without question, as I feared the consequences for anything less. Not from the families...but from Mother and Father.

     So I ran the halls, delivering everyone their breakfast for the morning. Some of them were very passive aggressive or just really mean. Ms Terano of the Totobami family was always rude but in a rather calm way, which is odd because I...don't know what I did to anger her or earn her ire.

     Oh well...

     The Obami Family however...absolutely despised me. It's understandable I suppose, after my game against Rin. In truth, I didn't mean to humiliate him quite as bad as I did. I was just playing a game that he challenged me at. Although...

     I won't deny that it was satisfying seeing him squirm.

     Nevertheless, I had made an entire branch of the Bami Clan despise me on my first day here. His parents wanted me exiled for the humiliation. His friend and family member; an unusual fellow named Ibara, wanted my head on a spike. Every time I serve the Obami's...there's always another complaint. Even when I follow every last demand perfectly to the letter, they insult and berate me.

     Thankfully, I was saved by the illustrious Goddess daughter of the Momobami Family; Kirari-Sama. When the Obami's went to the Emperor to demand that I be expelled from the Clan, it was Kirari-Sama that first stepped up to defend me. She made it very clear that Rin was the one that challenged me first under a deceptive guise in the attempt of swindling me.

     She also said that the game had fully solidified my place amongst the Bami Clan. Much to both Rin and the Obami's ire. She defended me through and through as I watched on in pure awe of her transcendent beauty. When the Banishment Trial was over, I bowed to her on my hands and knees in gratitude.

     She merely gave a cute chuckle and requested that I rise; saying that she enjoyed my performance in the game and is eager to see more! I knew then that I was in love, those omniscient tealed cyan eyes bathing me in her majesty.

All that aside, I was currently (and unfortunately) swiftly on my way to the Obami Household on the gigantic secluded Bami campus property. They had requested traditional tea, and I didn't want to be late. I moved as fast as I could with the tea dishes in the carrying box. Thankfully the pretty rock paths that connected the different properties were mostly covered, so the rain outside wouldn't batter me.

Running up to the house, I politely knocked on the door; only to have a cold anxiety hit me when Rin himself answered.

Rin: Awh! The pig servant of the Bami Clan is here.

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