Chapter 3: Important Task

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Lin is captivated as he observes his boss effortlessly, resolving his problems with ease. It was a relief that things didn't take a turn for the worse.

"To think it was the girl the boss had lingering feelings for. What a lucky day he has," — Lin chuckle.

Lin's phone rang. He took out his phone and left the house to answer the phone call.

"You called, Yang?" — Lin spoke on the phone call.

The guy from the other side spoke;

"Brother, a client has arrived for an important task," — Yang said.

"A task..? Not a client just for counseling?" — Lin sounded furious.

Yang replied; "Yes, brother. It's been a while since someone came with such a serious problem."

Lin sigh. As he continued to deliver the report to his boss.

"It's just been a while since I saw the boss so happy.." — Lin said as he continued to sigh.

He then breathe in and exhaled. He prepared himself to enter and report the urgent matter.

As he entered the house, he saw his boss and the young lady his boss cares for, both laughing together.

Veon's gaze towards Kean.. Anyone who sees them will feel shocked. His gaze towards Kean hinted at a deeper connection, as if he saw more than just a younger sister in here. Time hasn't changed his behavior towards her - he still treats her like a beloved older brother.

"Why're you staring with such pity in your eyes..?" — Veon asked as he glares at his secretary.

"Ahem! Sir, there is"

"Ahem! Sir, there is an urgent matter of work. I was told by Mr. Yang it was a task."

"Is that so?"

Veon had a troubled expression on his face. He glance at Kean, while he decides. The feeling of being watched caused Kean to feel a sting on her neck. She looked at Veon when she saw his face and made eye contact. Her face turned flush.

"B.. Brother Rui..? Is something wrong..?" — she asked.

Veon looks disappointed. Despite not having seen her in years, their time together would be brief.

"What a shame... I got to see her again," he thought to himself.

"Kean.. I'll have to leave early before I could join your dinner. It seems there's an urgent matter of work."

The sound of her blinking twice filled the silence as she gazed at Veon. Her giggles filled the air, echoing through the room.

"It's alright, brother. Its important right? You can visit here and have dinner or lunch with us anytime."

Kean says with a smile. As relief flooded through Veon, he couldn't help but marvel at how much she had matured. She's adept at understanding others and can quickly assess the dynamics of a situation.

"I'll make it up to you next time. It was an unexpected situation.." — Veon said as he pats her head.

The touch of his hand on her head made her feel self-conscious and embarrassed. With a slight tilt of her head, she peered downward, her hair draping softly over her features. Preventing Veon to have a glimpse of her embarrassed face.

"Is something wrong, Kean..? Are you feeling unwell?" — He asks, concerned of her.

With a soft touch, he raised his hand to her forehead, ensuring to check both his temperature and hers. Her forehead felt too warm from the cause of her embarrassment.

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