Christmas Extra🌲

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Jungwon and Sunoo are buying Christmas gifts for their friends. They plan to celebrate at Jungwon's house.

The group has already decided to exchange gifts through random picks, but the two still want to give each friend a gift individually.

"Do you have something in mind that we can give to them?"

Jungwon ask Sunoo while they were strolling on the mall, looking for things to buy.

"Niki would love anything i give him but I don't have any idea for the others though.."

Sunoo confidently said while the other just scoff beside him.

"Damn, your confidence is no joke"

Jungwon exclaimed. Even if he doesn't tell me I can tell that he's also head over heels for Niki.

"How 'bout you wonie? any gifts in mind for your boyfie~?"

Sunoo tease, smirking at his bestfriend. His eyebrows lifting up and down teasingly which earned a smack on the other.

I'm also having a hard time myself. As much as I know a lot about hyung there's still some things I don't know about him too. Just like last night, I've spent a lot of time thinking about it so much that I didn't sleep a wink. However, there's just nothing on my mind that I know can make him happy. I've considered a normal gift, like things that are usable at home, but I know he can buy more than that. I just kind of felt extremely sensitive about it. I wanted to give him something that could make him truly happy. Imagining him happily talking about my gift is enough to give me butterflies, which is why I needed something that I could give to him—something he couldn't afford, even if he's freaking rich, Jungwon thought to himself.

"Judging by how you look right now you don't have any idea on mind?"

I just nodded while pouting because he's damn right.

"Then let's just ask him what he wants, that'll solve our problem!"

Sunoo happily suggested then fishes his phone from his pocket, immediately looking up Jay hyungs number to call him.

Even though I wanted to look for something for him myself, but because I don't have any idea what to look for in the first place, I believe that Sunoo has won in this one.

"Alright, but don't make it obvious that we're looking for something to give him on Christmas"

He just nodded enthusiastically then lifted his phone infront of the two, making sure it was on speaker mode so that Jungwon can hear too.

After a few seconds, Jay picks up the call.

"Yeah, what is it, Sunoo? Need anything?"

The first words that were said. Just hearing his voice made Jungwon feel his heart skip a beat.

"Nope, just asking. What do you want, hyung? I mean, right now. Anything at all that you could think you need or want!"

Jungwon almost drops his jaw in shock at how obvious he is. Jay chuckles and says, "Why the random question all of a sudden? You gonna get me a gift or something?"

"I'm just curious, that's all! And I'm not gonna give you anything! Who even said that?!" Sunoo answers a little panicked, while Jungwon facepalms, silently telling his friend he isn't fooling anyone.

Meanwhile, in the phone call, Jay is heard laughing at the younger before clearing his throat and asking, "Mm... Jungwon?"

"Yes?" Jungwon unconsciously answers before instantly regretting it, both he and Sunoo panicking.

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