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I heard my bedroom door creak open

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I heard my bedroom door creak open.

It had been two hours, two hours and he was just now coming. "You better close that door, and go back to your room, cause i'm not in the mood."

"Livvy." He sighed, coming further inside. "Great and now you're in here." I mumbled, annoyed.

Tom began taking his clothes off. "Are you going to try and fuck it out of me? Because that's not gonna work, idiot." I rolled my eyes.

"No, you don't let people get on your bed in outside clothes." He said, now taking his jeans off. "I'd rather you just go, in general."

"I don't want to go though." He got in the bed. "Well I want you to." I turned my back to him.

"Come on." He put his hand on my shoulder. "You know what's funny? Bill defended me and you didn't say a thing." I chuckled.

"I couldn't." Tom sighed. "Yes you could've, a simple. 'Don't talk about her like that.' would've been acceptable." I took his hand off of me.

"I didn't agree with any of the things they were saying, but— But nothing! You're the exact same way, you're being two faced!"

"I'm sorry, i've been keeping the act up for years, I can't just give it up. He'll be disappointed." He tried to reason with me.

"I've been hearing a lot of i'm sorry's this week, from you, but yet you're still the same way, it's almost like you don't know anything about anything!" I raised my voice at him.

"That's because I don't, I don't defend women to my father, because i've never brought any women around! I don't stay loyal, and I certainly don't call anyone, by anything other then by their first name!" He shouted back.

"Boohoo, you called me a snail, grow up!"

"Oh, you mean schnecke!" He clarified. "Oh shut up." I was just a pinch away from slapping him.

"You have to understand Livvy, you're the only person who's ever even met my family, although we're in horrible circumstances, i've never done this shit before." Tom let out a deep sigh.

"But if you want me to go, then i'll go. But I promise next time i'll defend you." He put his hand on my back.

"You let me leave, alone." I sniffled, now feeling sad again, as the feelings came back up.

"Okay, fair. I shouldn't have done that, that was a mistake on my end, please don't stay mad, I hate it when people are mad at me." He begged.

"I'm gonna be mad at you, if you piss me off Tom." I stated. "And you have every right to be, i'll do better, I promise." He moved himself closer to me. "Promise?" I questioned.

"I don't break promises." He rested his chin on my shoulder. "Okay..." I said, hesitantly.

"You're a big dope though, i'm still mad at you, this means nothing." I turned around, hugging him. "Okay." He said, hugging back.

I felt his mouth against my shoulder, kissing gently. Tom moves my bra strap down, kissing underneath to where it was placed.

"I don't want to have sex, i'm tired." I whispered.

"I'm just kissing you Livvy, that's all." He whispered in response, moving the small kisses up to my neck, then behind my ear.

"Can I sneak a peek?" He whispered again, this time cheekily. "Well... there's not much there, but you can." I giggled.

I was only wearing a bra and some shorts, it wasn't a nice bra either, it was just...

You know, a bra.

I felt his hand on my upper back, unclipping the hook with one hand. I sat up a little, taking it off fully. "Perky." He smirked, looking down at my nipples. "Very." I agreed.

Tom's hands softly kneaded my breasts, as he nibbles on the skin on my shoulder harsher.

I softly hummed, it felt nice. Usually all guys did was stick them in their mouth, and call it a day.

"Kay, you can sleep now." I could feel his smile forming around my shoulder. "That's it? You really just wanted to sneak a peek?" I asked.

"Yeah, you said you're tired." He mumbled.

"Okay... goodnight Tom." I closed my eyes, snuggling into his chest.

And with that, I slowly started to drift off.


I put my hand out, for the warm body next to me as I noticed the sun in my eyes.

Well, fucking fantastic.

I got up, quickly. Taking a shirt off the chair, I didn't know which one, I didn't care which one.

Doesn't matter what shirt you're wearing when you get arrested for committing a crime— you know what... let me stop.

I checked the bathroom, nothing, his room, nothing. It felt like deja vu.

"TOM!" I shouted, at the very top of my lungs running down the stairs. Sliding on my feet as I reached the living room.

"Yeah?" I heard his voice, oh thank god.

That's when I suddenly smelt... food?

I exhaled deeply, walking over to the kitchen. "What are you making?" I questioned, sitting on a stool. "Pancakes." He shrugged.

"Hang on, I need to use the bathroom." I realized, I hadn't brushed my teeth, nor had I peed, which I really had to do.


"Okay! I'm back." I sat down on the stool, he slid a plate down the counter, my eyes lit up like a happy kid on Christmas.

"They're chocolate chip pancakes! My favorite!" I squealed, seeing the small brown dots.

"What an interesting fact, that Cherry definitely did not tell me, last week when you went to use the bathroom." He laughed, sitting next to me.

"Did you..." He paused, picking his fork up.

"Did you think I left again?" He wondered. I grabbed some of the whipped cream in front of me, which he must've taken out.

"Yeah." I nodded, shaking the bottle of whipped cream. "I'm sorry." He apologized again.

"You already said you're sorry, it's fine." I cut off a small piece, putting it into my mouth. Letting out a little happy dance.

He laughed a little, at my dance. "I know, but I want you to know I mean it." He clarified.

"This already makes up for it, don't worry." I waved him off, yet I could still see he was upset. "Really it's no big deal, I felt sad for a couple hours then we were good again." I reassured.

Stop looking at me like that.

Tom didn't respond, taking a bite from his stack. I scooted my stool closer, to him.

"It's okay, I know you didn't know how I felt, and i've gotten over it. Now please stop sulking." I planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you for the pancakes by the way, it was sweet." I smiled. "Anytime." He smiled back.

"I have a shoot today, for the first time in a while. Would you like to come?" I suggested.

"Really? Cool, who are you shooting for?" I don't think he was actually that interested, but it was nice he let me think he actually was.

"Victoria's secret, then i'm supposed to meet up with my agent to expand my horizons, you know with more brands." I responded.

"I'll be your personal chauffeur." He grinned.

"You just want to see me in lingerie." I raised my brows. "Sure, you can add that to the list."

"Pipe down, bible boy."

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