Jade Mountain

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"You idiot." The voice said.

Anh slowly opened his eyes, feeling groggy and disoriented from the emotional, long night before. The dark wooden walls of the shaman's home and Yara, in a heavy sleep on the mattress next to him, brought him into focus.

"Yara..." He said reaching out to her. Her cheek needed a new bandage soon as it was yellowing.

"You idiot." The man seethed again.

Anh closed his eyes and groaned. His Second Sight was gone – but he didn't need it to know who's voice the insult belonged too. Anh tried to sit up but winced in pain. The fight last night had taken a toll on his body. At the foot of Yara's bed was Tieze Senior, his face a mask of controlled anger.

Tieze Senior's voice was cold but collected. "Look what your folly brought to my daughter."

Anh's heart raced as memories from the night flooded back to him. Confessing. Hei Lei becoming the leader of the Haven. His fight with Hei Lei, and Yara stepping between them. He struggled to gather his thoughts as Tieze Senior continued his verbal assault.

"Tell me," He said. "was it your dragon who damaged her?"

Anh bowed weakly. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. The fight was between me and Hei Lei, and Yara came between us to my defence."

Yara's father narrowed his eyes on Anh. His gaze pierced through him like a blade. "Of course. Always with the excuses, you are." His voice shook slightly. "You didn't mean for it to happen, and yet, it did. You were entrusted with protecting the dragons, and what have you done? You've brought chaos into my daughter's life instead."

Anh looked guiltily at Yara next to him, sleeping. He took her hand in his. "Hei Lei won't hurt her again." He admitted. "I am no longer his Dragon Keeper."

Her father pursed his lips together, eying Anh sceptically. "Is that so?"


A bitter smile played on Tieze Seniors lips. "So, you chose my daughter over your dragon?" Anh nodded not meeting his eyes. "It would aggrieve you to learn then that Yara is betrothed to another."

Anh's eyes widened turning towards Tieze Senior. He tried to search for words to ask how, but his voice failed him as he pieced together fragments from the night before. Yara had followed him into the orchard to tell him something – this was it.

"The Chu soldier?" He asked. In his heart though, he knew. He'd chosen Yara as part of the marriage alliance.

Yara's father laughed spitefully as he kneeled to the ground and leaned closer to Anh. "You see, Anh - your actions have consequences. You and Yara disobeyed me by carrying your little romance on. And now," He gestured towards Yara's cheek. "My daughter is left to bear the burden of your choices. So tell me, Yu Anh, bastard of the banished. Was it all worth it? Losing Black Thunder, only to have Yara betrothed to another?"

In the corner of the room Lu Yu, curled up with Danzi, stirred. She raised her head and growled upon spotting Tieze Senior, causing him to tense.

Is he bothering you? She growled.

Yara's father turned back to Anh and straightened his posture. "Yara's future has been irrevocably altered because of you. The weddings take place tomorrow evening." He stood ready to take his leave. As he slid the door open, he turned back to Anh with a sinister smile. "So - was it all worth it?"

Anh's world around him spun as his heart filled with remorse and regret. He was unable to speak. He had no answer.

Tieze Senior huffed as he walked out. "I thought so."

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