Trials and Usurpations

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Rubbing shoulders with the Emperor I hear? Bong asked as Anh entered the camp. He was reclining on a mat with Lao Longzi, playing Liubo. Lao took the opportunity while Bong was distracted to switch the blocks around in his favor.

Anh tried to smile at him but was unable to bring himself to say anything. He stood in front of Hei Lei who had been animatedly sharing battle stories with Tun, Sha and Ming.

Anh recalls! Hei Lei said with a tinkle. The phoenix – Ming doesn't believe a word I say.

Anh shrugged and kicked a pebble about. That's why you should never come between Hei Lei and his game. He said softly.

They were all in such high spirits. It was like Heaven wanted to remind Anh the meaning of irony one last time. Heaven sure had an interesting sense of humor. Anh could feel Lu Yu's eyes on him and he shuddered under her sight.

What's wrong with you? Lu Yu asked.

Did the Emperor shake you up that bad? Lao Longzi asked with a raised eyebrow.

Bong used the distracted Lao as an opportunity to switch their blocks back into their original places. Maybe Emperor Gaozu – Oh great conqueror! – conquered Anh's heart?

Anh scrunched his face up as Hei Lei chimed in, Maybe he wanted to map some new territories while he's here.

"Ugh!" Anh said folding his arms across his chest. He really wasn't in the mood for this banter.

What did the Emperor want from you, then? Minh Huyn, who Anh had thought was sleeping, said rousing from where he reclined on Bai Xue's belly.

Anh swayed from side to side a little. This was all just prolonging a far more important conversation. He wants the dragons to bring rain again to the Empire.

Hei Lei huffed. Tell him he's dreaming.

When giving someone roses, Danzi responded, keep the fragrance for yourself.

Anh fought back the urge to roll his eyes at Danzi's riddles. You misunderstand me. The Emperor wants rains to be brought to the Empire when he calls upon them.

Tun spat. We're not Imperial Dragons!

We do not beck to the call of a human emperor. Hei Lei said with flared nostrils.

"Okay! Okay!" Anh said aloud, holding his hands up in peace. I didn't say you would. He just asked if I would bring it up to you.

Danzi, however, held his head considerably. Tell him we will bring the rains.

His declaration was met with lost and confused eyes. It was a surprise. No one had expected Danzi to agree to Imperialistic terms. At least, not without negotiations or debilitation. Even Lao Longzi looked up at his dragon with an open mouth.

Hei Lei snorted. What ever happened to building up our defenses with the Haven? Keeping ourselves safe?

Danzi rose from where he lay and addressed the dragons. I said we will build up our defenses, and maintain our relationships with the humans. Bringing the Emperor to our cause benefits us by adding extra protection and punishments to those who seek to harm us.

Anh's stomach knotted and twisted. He could feel the time was near to share his truth. As Hei Lei and Danzi argued their points Anh looked up at his dragon ready to confess when he felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise.

Yara was near.

He turned to stare back at the path he had come down from. Tun spotted her first.

Why is she here? Tun growled.

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