7. Disaster

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Chaos. That was the only word that could describe precisely the situation. In every corner of the room, and not only, it prevailed. Shattered glasses and plates were scattered across the counter, the sink was filled with debris and dirty plates. It was truly a mess. A disaster.

"You have to put it in the fridge." The ginger haired girl argued. She stood there with her hands stretched out in order to take the container. "No dude, you have to mix it first and then put it in." The other girl, with her long green hair, in a high ponytail disagreed. "What fridge are you talking about?" The black haired boy participated in their conversation. "You put it in the oven, dickheads."

What were they talking about you may ask. It was about a cake. Yes you read that correctly. They had all assembled in Maki's dorm, in order to bake a cake for Yuji's birthday. They had made a whole mess. Megumi was the one who we all agreed to make a cake but because he shared the dorm with the birthday boy, he was late. Really late. So the girls, Maki, Nobara and Y/n took initiative to relieve him from his burden and in the process they made a whole mess in the kitchen.

Junpei, one of Yuji's friend who was invited to help with the cake had gone to the convenience store to by candles and that's how he escaped Megumi's reprimanding. Despite their technical difficulties though they managed to make the cake.

"Who's gonna clean all that?" Maki said and threw some cuss words in the process. "It's your room you do it." Inumaki replied casually as he was sitting comfortably on her couch. "You didn't even help, you don't get to talk."

"He is kind of right." My hand slipped in my pocket. "I'll help you though." I told her. Megumi was already washing the dishes and Nobara started to gather the broken glasses that we managed to shatter. After a while the kitchen was in tidy and clean again.

Our surprise wasn't going to be anything special but we were all sure that Yuji would definitely appreciate the gesture. All we had was a home made cake and our gifts to him.

We heard a knock on the door.

"Will someone answer the damn door?" Maki semi yelled. Megumi went towards the hall but he halted due to Junpei's words "What if it's Yuji?"

It couldn't be what were the odds anyway? That's what Megumi thought and opened the door. A mistake indeed. "Oh, Fushiguro!" We all stiffened as we heard the boys voice and glared at Junpei.

"Hi?" Megumi was heard from the door speaking out loud to his roommate. "I was looking for you, is Nobara and Y/n in there too?" He tried to take a peak, to look inside but Megumi followed his head movements and closed, not completely though, the door, trying to hide also the evidence from him, his hands.

They were covered in flour.

"What's up with you today? You're being weird." Itadori gave his friend a questionable look. He was about to fuck up the whole surprise. "Yeah you know how family meetings can be." Maki poked her head out of the door, speaking and saving him.

They were cousins after all with Fushiguro so it would make sense if they were in a family meeting online. His family after all was one of the most influential and powerful in the whole city.

"Oh okay. Have you at least seen them?" He asked a bit disappointed. "No I don't think so." The black haired boy replied stoically. "Text or call them" Maki suggested. "I'll do that thank you." After that we heard the door close and finally took a breath that we didn't knew we were holding.

"That was close..." Nobara slid in chair and threw her head back. My phone vibrated same as Nobara's and Megumi's. We looked at each other. We knew Yuji was the one who texted us in our group chat. Nobara confirmed that. "What do I reply?" She inquired.

"You don't." Maki said.

It was finally evening. After our little scheme on how to surprise our friend we came to the conclusion that it had to be on his room. Megumi, being his roommate had to be the first one to go there and we would follow him when it was finally midnight, meaning the end of one day and the start of another.

That's what we did. We stood outside their dorm with a birthday cake, in which was drawn very poorly the image of Jennifer Lawrence, balloons and hats for the occasion. We looked like idiots.

Only for Yuji all that.

We knocked on the door, signaling Megumi of our arrival. He quickly opened the door letting us in and closing it after. It was late after all we didn't want to disturb other people. Yuji's jaw dropped on the floor when he saw us.

"Happy birthday Yuji!!"

"Make a wish before you blow the candles!"

The boy literally cried. "Thank you. You didn't have to do that." He said between his sniffles. "We wanted to. You deserve it." His roommate told him. "Yeah you are out friend! Of course we had too!" Junpei chimed in. "I thought you were ignoring me!" He pointed at me and Nobara. "No we didn't we wanted to surprise you." I said and gave him a hug.

"I can't believe though you tried to draw Jennifer Lawrence. That's wild." He laughed as he looked at the cake that the half was missing now. "Are you doubting my art skills?" I teased him he laughed and looked at his phone due to a text popping up on his screen.

"Oh I forgot to tell you," he seemed to remember something out of nowhere. "Sukuna and I are hosting a party for our birthday."

"How come? You never celebrated your birthday with him." Nobara told while eating a slice of the cake with Jennifer's face on it. "I thought it would be a good idea to get out of my shell. I wanted to meet new people and this is an opportunity for me. Hey, I wanted to eat her face!" He pouted.

"When is it going to be?" Inumaki asked. He was curious as well. "Don't worry guys I'll text you the details when the time comes. I think this weekend though." He grabbed the fork out of Nobara's hand at ate her slice starting that way their argument.

A party hosted by Sukuna. Those words, party and Sukuna, combined were a serious disaster. He was known for a reason as the king of all parties. Excitement and anxiety were my first emotions about this situation.

While on the one hand I was sure that it was going to be far from dull, on the other, I was anxious about having to socialise, to get dressed up for the occasion. They were secondary factors but they were considered imperative to our peers. The only thing that I was sure was that Nobara would come again to my rescue.


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