2. entranced

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mapí had forced isabela and lucy to come to her apartment later that night so they could celebrate their new signing with some of the team. when the pair arrived, the party was already very much in action.

aitana spotted them first and ran over to them, a bright smile on her face, "you're finally here! do you want a drink?" the shorter brunette asked, grinning as both girls nodded. they followed the midfielder over to the kitchen where she began mixing something up for them.

"gracias," isabela smiled as aitana passed her a pink drink, taking a small sip of the liquid and grimacing at the strong taste.

lucy laughed at isabela's expression before she was dragged away from the blonde by aitana who wanted to introduce her to more of their teammates. isabela wasn't left alone for long as it took mapí only five minutes to find the younger blonde.

"bela!" the spaniard called out, stumbling over to the forward with a dopey grin on her face, "you're here! come on, i want you to meet my girlfriend," maria said, a love sick look in her eyes.

isabela giggled, taking a large gulp of her strong drink before following mapí out towards the balcony where three women were sat. the english girl recognised mariona and alexia, who both looked far less drunk then anyone else.

"ingrid! this is isabela," mapí spoke loudly, catching the attention of a tall, raven haired woman. isabela gave the girl a smile, which ingrid reciprocated with a shy smile of her own, "this is my girlfriend, ingrid."

"it's nice to meet you, mapí's told me so much about you," ingrid said, pulling isabela into a hug.

isabela chuckled, "only good things i hope." she glanced at mapí as the two pulled away from the hug.

ingrid laughed, "of course, not a bad word about you from this one," she assured, making isabela smile.

"you've met mariona and alexia, right?" mapí asked, parching herself on ingrid's lap once the ravenette had sat back down.

mariona giggled, "of course! come and sit down," the brunette patted the chair between her and alexia. isabela sat down in the seat, crossing her legs and tugging down her short skirt slightly as it began to ride up her thighs.

alexia watched isabela as she spoke with mariona, her eyes unconsciously trailing down the younger woman's body. the striker was clad in a little white dress with silver heels on her feet. her dress was short and alexia could see the a few tattoos on the woman's upper thighs. isabela had quite a lot of tattoos actually.

there was a rose on the back of her left arm, a butterfly on her right forearm, some flowers wrapped around her wrist and forearms, some stars and hearts on her hands, there was a pair of angel wings on her other wrist along with some other miscellaneous things dotted around her arms. there was one going down her spine and one on her foot. she also had a rather pretty one on the back of her shoulder; it was a dragon covered in roses. there was also a quote inked on her collarbone that alexia wasn't able to read.

"you done staring, ale? we're going back inside," mapí's words snapped alexia out of her gaze, her cheeks burning red as she realised all four women were looking at her. mapí cackled and began walking back into the apartment followed by mariona and ingrid.

isabela smirked at alexia, giggling as the woman avoided her gaze. the english woman stood up from her seat and went to walk inside before she turned back to the barcelona captain with a cheeky grin etched on her face, "you look pretty tonight."

with that isabela turned back around and made her way into the apartment. alexia watched as she left, biting her lip as butterflies swirled in her stomach. this girl was killing her. she'd never felt so nervous around someone before. she'd never been this entranced by another girl.

isabela sinclair was a complete mystery to her. but alexia was more than willing to figure her out.



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user4 isabela slaying as per

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